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You may be able to relax your diet in time, but you can never altogether forego it. Give us this day our daily diet that's your proper prayer. And you'd better start praying pretty soon, too!" "All right, doc," I said resignedly. "You've practically converted me. I can't say I'm happy over the prospect, but if you say so I'm prepared to become a true believer.

"It's in us both; you'll do it, too, when you are ready if you have any sporting blood in you!" And, straightening up impatiently, his eyes fell on Shiela, and he shrugged his shoulders and smiled resignedly. "It's nothing. My sister's nerves are a bit upset.... After all, this parlour magic is a stupid mistake, because there's always somebody who takes it seriously.

"And when I go downtown and view the weary, unwashed females and the overly ambitious painted ones, people in impossible bargain shoes and summer furs; fat men in plaid suits and Alpine hats; undernourished children being dragged along by unthinking adults; stray dogs wistfully sniffing at passers-by in hopes of finding a permanent friend; tired, blind work horses standing in the sun and resignedly being overloaded for the day's haul; fire sales of fur coats; candy sales of gooey hunks; a jewellery special of earrings warranted to betray no tarnish until well after Christmas; brokers' ads and vaudeville billboards and rows upon rows of awful, huddled-up, gardenless homes with families lodged somewhere between the first and twelfth stories the general chasing after nothing, saving nothing and, saddest of all, the complacent delusion that they have achieved something well worth while it makes me willing to earn and learn as I do."

"But how can you, dear?" was the reply. "Your clothes are drying in the kitchen. They were completely drenched." "Sure enough," answered Miss Ainslie. "I had forgotten that." She laid herself down resignedly as the invalid said: "If Hesden's presence would annoy you, he shall not come. I only thought it might be pleasanter for you not to be confined to the conversation of a crippled old woman.

"Dear girl, I'm afraid you don't understand our way of making up dance cards at Crabtown." "Where?" "Crabtown. That's our local name for Annapolis." "Gracious! Let me get out quickly and get that notebook!" "At midshipmen's hops the fellow who drags the " "Gold brick," supplied Belle, resignedly. "No not for worlds!

The desire to go home that grew upon me I attributed to the irritation aroused by the spectacle of a fixed social order commanding such unquestioned deference from the many who were content to remain resignedly outside of it. I was "somebody" at home; or at least rapidly becoming so.... London was shrouded, parliament had risen, and the great houses were closed.

Patrolman Willis arrived at the stubby little craft seconds after the sergeant. "Procyron III," said Sergeant Madden, rumbling. "I figure three days. You told your wife?" "I called," said Patrolman Willis resignedly. They climbed into the squad ship.

"I remember our doctor telling mother that if people only wouldn't try to force confidences from the boys and would try to keep all thought of the awful things they had been through out of their minds, there would be fewer cases of nervous breakdowns." "Pop!" said Grace, snapping her finger resignedly. "There go all our hopes of a good time, Amy.

I'm not sure that, putting a good many things together, I'm not beginning to make her out rather extraordinary." "You certainly will if you can," the Colonel resignedly remarked. Again his companion said nothing; then again she broke out. "In fact I do begin to feel it Maggie's the great comfort. I'm getting hold of it. It will be SHE who'll see us through. In fact she'll have to.

How serious, then, is the danger to a young girl, at the age in which imagination is most active, most intense, if you force upon her a belief that she is in danger of a mortal disease! It is a peculiarity of youth to brood over the thought of early death much more resignedly, much more complacently, than we do in maturer years.