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Rellihan shook his head again; this seemed to be an occasion where unnecessary talking fell under interdiction; for that matter, Rellihan possessed only a vocabulary to use in talking down to the proletariat; he was debarred from telling these dignitaries to "shut up and sit aisy!" "A blind man, now a dumb man Colonel Shaw, go and hunt up the man we're here to see!"

"Let you alone for that!" interposed Sails again, maliciously. "Arrah, be aisy now, old bradawl and palm-string, or I'll bring ye up with a round turn!" exclaimed Pat, getting nettled at the remark. "Why can't you let him be?" cried the rest, thereupon.

The wounded trooper had recovered somewhat, and was on his hands and knees, with down-hanging head, in the light of the open door. 'How are you, Casey? asked the detective anxiously. 'Aisy, sor. I'm jist wonderin' if I'm dead or alive, said the trooper in a still small voice, watching the blood-drops falling from his forehead. 'Then the devil a bit's the matter with you, Casey.

He would tell her and, in a moment, be lost to all surroundings. For little Jim was getting considerable enjoyment out of his hard work. "Pat nor Moike niver studied loike that," thought Mrs. O'Callaghan. "Nor did even Andy. Andy, he always jist loved his book and took his larnin' in aisy loike. But look at that little Jim work!"

In a moment the boat was adrift, the mast steeped, and the Shenandoah left to pursue her mysterious voyage at the will of the currents of the sea. "You're not going to the island, Paddy," cried Dick, as the old man put the boat on the port tack. "You be aisy," replied the other, "and don't be larnin' your gran'mother. How the divil d'ye think I'd fetch the land sailin' dead in the wind's eye?"

Standing behind Reuben, Triggs would nod and chuckle at each fresh difficulty that presented itself, delighting in the proud certainty that after all the London chap "'ud find the ole gentleman had proved wan too many for he;" and when Reuben, desirous of further information, would prepare his way for the next visit by declaring he must have another try at him, Triggs, radiant but magnanimous, would answer, "Iss, iss, lad, do 'ee come agen; for 'tis aisy to see with half a eye that 'tain't wan look, nor two neither, that 'ull circumnavigate the insides o' that ole chap if 'taint to his liken to be set agoin'."

"Aisy to tell where it comes from, too. See that knot, woman?" said Pete, with a knowing wink. "What in the world is it, Pete?" said Nancy. "I wonder!" said Pete. "Papers enough round it, anyway. A letter? We'll look at that after," he said loftily, and then out came the scarlet hood. "Gough bless mee what's this thing at all?" and he held it up by the crown.

'Get out iv here, or I'll make th' ghost iv a ghost out iv ye. I can lick anny dead man that iver lived, he said. "With that th' ghost iv O'Grady made a pass at him, an' they clinched an' rowled on th' flure. Now a ghost is no aisy mark f'r anny man, an' O'Grady's ghost was as sthrong as a cow.

But I told him he had bothered so long, and given my arms such a strain, that I could not let him up so aisy. At last, to save his neck, he promised me the half guinea I asked, and paid it as soon as he set foot on the tower. I know it was a big price for the article, but that was his own affair.

I don't agree with Uncle Joe Cannon, who says it is trashy. It is light, perhaps even frivolous. But it has gr-reat merit. I can't think iv annything that wud be more agreeable thin lyin' in a hammock, with a glass iv somethin' in ye'er hand on a hot day an' readin' this little jim iv pure English an' havin' a profissor fr'm colledge within aisy call to tell ye what it all meant.