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"What's this?" inquired Sarah, seating; herself on a three legged stool, "the ould work, is it? bell-cat, bell-dog. Ah, you're a blessed pair an' a purty pair, too; you, wid your swelled face an' blinkin' eye. Arrah, what dacent man gave you that?

Arrah, Phelim, will you tell us candidly ah I beg your pardon; I mean, will you tell us the best lie you can coin upon the cause of your coming to imbibe moral and literary knowledge? Silence, boys, till we hear Blessed Phelim's lie." "You must hear it, masther," said Phelim. "I'm comin' to larn to read an' write." "Bravo!

Arrah! if I don't go to the Mines an' git one the size o' me head, I'll let ye rig me out with a long tail, an' set me adrift in the woods for a blue-faced monkey."

"Arrah, laive 'em alone, can't ye?" said the boatswain, as we faced each other again. "Don't waste y'r toime, sure. Go it, ye chripples; an' may the bist av ye win, sez I!"

"Sind them to Rio Janeiro, lad, where my employer sells them. I don't know how much he makes a year by it; but the thing must pay, for he's very liberal with his cash, and niver forgits to pay wages. There's always a lot o' gould-dust found in the bottom o' the bateia after each washing, and that is carefully collected and sold. But, arrah!

"If that aeroplane did climb up out of that field, while we pushed through the heavy timber, and none of us heard a thing, let me tell you, boys, they've got a cracker-jack of a motor, that's what!" "But arrah! would ye be thinkin' that a lot of bog-trottin' counterfeiters'd be havin' a rale aeroplane?" burst out Andy Flinn, who had up to now been unable to give any expression to his feelings.

But Frank was a true Yankee, and fruitful in expedients, and he soon hit upon a plan, which he was about putting into execution, when a strong, cheery voice called out: "Arrah, me boy! What'll yer be after doing with the boat?" Frank looked up and saw Uncle Mike, as the boys called him a good-natured Irishman, who lived in a small rustic cottage not far from Mrs. Nelson's coming down the bank.

She had so longed for that one last dance, and it seemed to her that she had treated Sir Eustace somewhat shabbily also. She was sure that he was displeased, and the thought of it troubled her. For she had almost promised him that last dance. "Arrah thin, Miss Dinah dear, don't ye look so sad at all!" counselled Biddy. "Good times pass, but there's always good times to come while ye're young.

"If he comes to life again, he will be after taking us all three down his ugly mouth, like so many pills, at a gulp." "I suspect the gash you gave him must have somewhat spoiled his digestion, though, Tim," I observed. "Arrah, then, I will be after giving him another, to make sure," exclaimed my companion, severing the snake's head at a blow.

All the starboard watch ran away last night, and the skipper's ashore kitching 'em." "And it's shipping yer after, my jewels, is it?" cried a curly-pated little Belfast sailor, coming up to us, "thin arrah! my livelies, jist be after sailing ashore in a jiffy: the divil of a skipper will carry yees both to sea, whether or no.