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"Late to-night, Murphy," said Torrance severely. "What's the row?" "Row, d'ye ask? Listen to that now," he demanded of the grinning brakesman. "Huh!" He bent to examine his sand-filled boots. "I'll be later still some o' these nights, that I will, ye big bully, if ye don't take the throuble to lay a footpath down that gr-rade for dacent citizens to use.

If I wouldn't like to get me fingers on that haythen; never goin' to confission, spindin' ivrything on himself you naded for dacent livin'! Lit him come! Just lit him come!"

"I have made my oath, your honor, of the thruth of it; an' here is a dacent man, sir, a Protestant, that lent me the money, an' was present when I offered it to him. Mr. Smith, come forrid, sir, an' spake up for the poor man, as you're always willin' to do." "I object to his evidence," said Carson: "he is my open enemy." "I am your enemy, Mr.

This time he not only groaned, but uttered some words, and endeavoured to drag himself along the deck. `Arrah, now, that's like a dacent, sinsible man, observed Pat. `Anyhow, you deserve to have your hurts looked to, and so we will carry him below, Jim." The truth was that the man had been only slightly wounded, and afterwards stunned by a blow.

"Who are ye, ye brutes?" she exclaimed, "coming to disturb a dacent household at this time of night? Shure, the childher are in bed, and ye'll be waking them up and sending them into fits, the darlints."

"It'll be some quiet, dacent fellow, that an't given to chaffing nor too fond of sperrits." "By dad, my darling, and an't that me to a hair's breadth?" "Is it you a dacent, asy boy?" "Shure if it an't me, where's sich a one in the counthry at all?

The Sabbath was a long way off yet, as Hannah knew quite well. "You doited old hag, open the door." "I'm a lone widow woman," said Hannah, plaintively, "I canna be letting the likes of ye in and me in my bed. It wouldna be dacent if I did. Where'd my good name be if I did the like and me not know ye?" A savage kick at the door shook it on its hinges.

I'd a dacent suit as ever you'd wish to see, and they were run away with, just as I'd got the office of an errand-boy with a gentleman, and was in a fair way to make my fortune." "Well, then, here's a suit for you, my lad," said the sailor; "just get your mother to give them a darning up, and they'll serve your purpose, I daresay. Give him your bundle."

If you get a lase of it at a fair rint, I'll buy another horse, any how. Isn't that doin' the thing dacent'?" "More power to you, Ellish! I'll hold you a crown, I pay you the price o' the horse afore this time twelvemonth." "Done! The sarra be off me but done! an' here's Barny Dillon an' Katty Hacket to bear witness." "Sure enough we will," said Barny, the servant.

"Out once more came the cudgel, and on they laid; but now I wasn't common stone but whitestone. Lay on, say I; I see, or rather I feel, that the crown is before me. If I must die a marthyr to a dacent spirit, why I must; and so God's blessing be with you all. I'll shine in heaven for this yet. "I think now, Miss, you'll grant that I know something about life."