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Can't ye sind me some cider fr'm th' farm. * In 1865 he was accused iv embezzlemint, but th' charges niver reached his ears or th' public's ontil eight years afther his death. * In 67' his foster brother, that he had neglected in Kansas City, slipped on his ballroom flure an' broke his leg. * In '70 his wife died afther torturin' him f'r fifty years.

"Musha! but ye should ha' seen the rage he goes off into. `Finished it all? says he. `Ivery dhrop, doctor, says I, `at wan sittin'. At that he stamped an' swore at me, an' ordered me away as if I'd bin a poor relation; an' says he, `I'll sind ye a bottle to-night as'll cure ye! Sure so he did. The second bottle would have poison'd a rat.

To the Indies the merchants used formerly to carry the dinars, called sindiat, or gold coins of the Sind, which passed there for three of our dinars, or even more. Thither also were carried emeralds from Egypt, which were much used for setting in rings. From the description of this place afterwards, in the travels of Ebn Wahab, in this article, it appears to have been Nankin.

Dazu gehoren Kerle die eigens geschaffen sind. As much as to say: 'Leave halters to those who are born to be hanged. Indeed, the old fellow looked as if he had enjoyed life too well to appreciate parting with it gratuitously. I had nothing with me save the clothes on my back. When I should again have access to the 'Erzherzcg Carl' was impossible to surmise.

Jawn, our people makes poor Irishmen, but good Dutchmen; an', th' more I see iv thim, th' more I says to mesilf that th' rale boney fide Irishman is no more thin a foreigner born away from home. 'Tis so. "Look at thim, Jawn," continued Mr. Dooley, becoming eloquent. "Whin there's battles to be won, who do they sind for? McMahon or Shurdan or Phil Kearney or Colonel Colby.

Your father must 'a' been plum crazy fer ter sind ye way out ther all 'lone, jist a green boy like you. What ye a-goin' fer, enyhow?" I explained to him the occasion and necessity for my trip, but he shook his head dubiously, his long face so exceedingly mournful that I could not remain unaffected by it.

"And is it possible 'tis only th' sivin hundred an' noineteenth of thim I have been gettin'? I w'u'd have said 't was th' forty-sivinth thousand gineral order I have had t' learn and memorize. Wheniver th' prisidint, or th' vice-prisidint, or th' manager, or th' janitor, or th' office-boy at th' head office has nawthin' else t' do they be thinkin' up a new gineral order t' sind t' Flannery.

"I wonder, now, is that a dog or only uts growl ter sind me back in the wet fer luv av the laugh at me?" chirped a voice as hoarse as a buttery brogue would allow it to be.

A big man knows he don't have to fight, but whin a man is little an' knows he's, little an' is thinkin' all th' time he's little an' feels that ivrybody else is thinkin' he's little, look out f'r him." "I see," said Mr. Hennessy, "we're goin' to sind th' navy to th' Passyfic." "I can't tell," said Mr.

Had he meant to say this, I imagine he would have used a totally different phrase: e. g. dass wir binnen kaum mehr als 6 Stunden nach London schön gekommen sind; or something like these words.