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What is there which I have not used to strengthen the same emotion? SOMETIMES I went to a deep, narrow valleyin the hills, silent and solitary. The sky crossed from side to side, like a roof supported on two walls of green. Sparrows chirped in the wheat at the verge above, their calls falling like the twittering of swallows from the air. There was no other sound.

Dick climbed up over the front wheel, released the brake, chirped at the horses, and they were off for Lost Canyon. Beatrice was behaving beautifully, and her mother only hoped to heaven it would last the day out; perhaps Sir Redmond would be able to extract some sort of a promise from her in that mood, Mrs.

He beamed benignly upon that convulsed countenance, and saw crestfallen Prince Victor slink away, to the music of smothered laughter from the ladies in the doorway toward which Lanyard was careful not to look. Then, in high feather with himself, he chirped to the driver and hopped into the hansom.

"She died loving me," he whispered. The clock ticked steadily, a door closed below, and a little bird outside chirped softly. There was no other sound save the wild beating of Barbara's heart, which she alone heard. Still transfigured, he sat beside the bed, holding her hand in his.

Out of doors the world basked in June sunshine and preened itself in blossom. The birds sang and chirped in the lichened maples that cupped the little church in, and peace was over all the Putney valley. Inside the classroom disgusted women buzzed like angry bees. "What on earth are we to do?" sighed the secretary plaintively. Mary Kilburn was always plaintive.

After that we were gay. He told me of many things. I seemed to see a clear picture of the world as he talked a light and pleasant world, where no one was so foolish as to care for anything seriously. One felt a donkey, to worry or grieve when the sun shone and the birds sang! How I enjoyed myself! "Has Babykins chirped at you yet?" he asked, presently. "She is very dangerous when she chirps."

But I forgave him in fifteen minutes; and he had gone! He's been gone for thirty- two years. My God!" He poured out another finger of whiskey, but forgot to drink it. A canary-bird chirped loudly, then lapsed into a sleepy twitter. "I was well rid of him! To make a quarrel out of a thing like that a joke, as you might say. I laughed, myself, afterwards, at the thought of it.

It buzzed and chirped and chattered all round them from marsh and stream and brushwood. Sometimes it was the dun coat of a deer which glanced between the distant trunks, sometimes the badger which scuttled for its hole at their approach.

"Excuse me, I am Monkey on a Stick, not Monkey Shine, though I do cut up shines once in a while," said the jolly chap who had fallen off Carlo's back. "That is my right name Monkey on a Stick." "I'm pleased to meet you," chirped the Cricket. "Welcome to our meadow, Monkey on a Stick." "Thank you," replied the Monkey.

"If only Ralph marked both Tony and Asa, and we've got the hats of three more, it looks good to me," chirped Lanky. "Fall in, fellows!" called Bones Shadduck, assuming the air of a drum major, as he waved an imaginary baton in the air. With considerable talking and laughter, the squad gathered around Ralph. "Here, what's all this mean?" laughed Ralph.