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Abe opened the door and motioned his companion to enter first, whereat the stranger nodded politely and walked into the office. "Is Mr. Rothschild in?" he said to the office-boy, who was the sole occupant of the room. "Mr. Rothschild, now, telephoned," the boy replied, "and he says, now, that if a guy comes in by the name of Marks to tell him he should wait." "Did he say he would be right in?" Mr.

He went away and ten minutes later returned to find an office-boy, with a long nose, pimply face, and a Scotch accent, opening the door. Philip asked for Mr. Herbert Carter. He had not come yet. "When will he be here?" "Between ten and half past." "I'd better wait," said Philip. "What are you wanting?" asked the office-boy. Philip was nervous, but tried to hide the fact by a jocose manner.

This letter Wentworth filed away with a smile of satisfaction, and then he began again to wonder why Adam Brand, representing such a well-known manufactory, should have written a deliberate falsehood. Before he had time to fathom this mystery, the office-boy announced that a gentleman wished to see him, and handed Wentworth a card which bore the name of William Longworth.

An office-boy staggered in with tea, and for a while the business of it kept them lightly occupied, and talking inconsequently; but presently Rokeby went back to: "So you are going to see Miss Winter this evening? Look here, Mrs. Kerr, Osborn would never forgive me if I let you go alone. I'll take you yes, please. Do let me! We'll both give her a surprise."

Presently the office-boy gathered up our cards and disappeared behind a door. He was gone quite a few minutes. They were hours to me. I was in the toils of suspense, in a fever of eagerness and anxiety. As I sat gazing at the door through which the office-boy had vanished, Mr. Huntington loomed in my imagination large and formidable, mighty and stern.

Weatherley knocked the ash from his cigar, and, discovering that it was out, carefully relit it. "Chetwode," he said, "I have advanced you from something a little better than an office-boy, very rapidly, because it seemed to me that you had qualities. The time has arrived to test them. The secret of success in life is minding your own business.

When he had reached the age of fourteen a friend of his late father, an agent for a foreign preserved milk firm, having given him an opening as office-boy, he was discovered one foggy afternoon, in his chief’s absence, busy letting off fireworks on the staircase.

Graslin, another Sauviat in an upper sphere, did not spend more than forty sous a day, and clothed himself no better than his under-clerk. Two clerks and an office-boy sufficed him to carry on his business, which was immense through the multiplicity of its details.

"Clarkson," he said, "if you will forgive my mentioning a purely personal matter, why do you wear such uncomfortable collars and such an exceedingly unbecoming tie?" The office-boy swung round upon his stool. His mouth was wide open like a rabbit's. He fingered the offending articles. "What's the matter with them?" he demanded, getting his question out with a single breath.

This will show with what eagerness he went to the court-house to wait for M. Magloire. But at noon the great lawyer had not yet come. He was still consulting with M. de Chandore. "Could any thing amiss have happened?" thought the clerk. And his restlessness was so great, that, instead of going home to breakfast with his sisters, he sent an office-boy for a roll and a glass of water.