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There was something appealing about her, in the big childish eyes, and in the well-bred voice with its faint hint of a French accent. The girl she looked at could hardly have been called pretty she was slender and long-limbed, with honest grey eyes and a sensitive mouth that seemed always ready to break into smiles.

I did not confess as much to myself, for I could never bear to calmly view my own failings, but afterwards I came to the conclusion that I acted a part throughout. Is selfishness, then, the universal motor of our actions? I am afraid it is. Betty spoke Tuscan with English idioms and an English accent, but her voice was so silvery and clear that her Italian was delightful to listen to.

The Pisan Lung' Arno is shorter and less featured and framed than the Florentine, but it has the fine accent of a marked curve and is quite as bravely Tuscan; witness the type of river-fronting palace which, in half-a-dozen massive specimens, the last word of the anciently "handsome," are of the essence of the physiognomy of the place.

She turned to her daughter, and said with a querulous accent, "I wish you would throw the afghan over my feet, Florida, and make me a little comfortable before you begin your reading this morning." At the same time she feebly disposed herself among the sofa cushions on which she reclined, and waited for some final touches from her daughter.

The soft accent of the beautiful Leonora will certainly detain him one day more, and her gracious smile will bereave him of rest for months to come. He has evidently fallen desperately in love with her. Now we shall see virtue in danger. I have always been of opinion with St.

"When I sailed to Rigy, Cornel," the first mate was speaking nor can any spelling nor combination of letters of which I am master, reproduce this gentleman's accent when he was talking his best "I racklackt they used always to sairve us a drem before denner. And as your frinds are kipping the denner, and as I've no watch to-night, I'll jist do as we used to do at Rigy.

I have heard her express herself with an indignation, foreign to her general mildness, against women who are guilty of this fashionable, this dishonorable indelicacy." "Well, but Charles," said Sir John "you must positively assume a little dejection, to diversify the business. It will give interest to your countenance and pathos to your manner, and tenderness to your accent.

Lady Tranmore's eyebrows went up, and she could not restrain the word: "Alone?" "Naturellement!" laughed Kitty. "He reads me French poetry, and we talk French. We let Madeleine Alcot come once, but her accent was so shocking that Geoffrey wouldn't have her again!" Lady Tranmore flushed deeply. The "Geoffrey" seemed to her intolerable.

"So many girls have been deterred from a mistake by being shut up under lock and key!" commented Mrs. Marshall, with an ironical accent. "But, good Heavens! Think of her going to that old scoundrel's how can I look people in the face, when they all know my opinion of him how I've opposed his being a Trustee and " "Ah, !" remarked his wife significantly, "that's the trouble, is it?"

His accent is excellent, and he is himself a very interesting man!" "No doubt of it!" answered Otto. "You will remain and dine with us?" said the lady of the house, who now entered. Otto did not feel well. "These are only whims," said Sophie. The ladies made merry, and Otto remained. Cousin Joachim came and was interesting very interesting, said all.