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"Frinds!" exclaimed the astonished Mike, "Be-dad! and whin did I iver know ye to make frinds with ony of owld Blaisdell's men befoor?" "Keep your eyes open and your mouth shut, Mike," was Jack's only reply as he again began work, and Mike had nothing to do but to follow his example. In a short time Houston had become perfectly familiar with his new surroundings.

"'Well, says Mack, 'sit down, he says. 'Rockyfeller, he says, 'tell Morgan f'r to fetch up a kag iv sherry wine, he says. 'Tom, he says, 'we've been frinds f'r years, he says. 'We have, says Tom. 'We've concealed it fr'm th' vulgar an' pryin' public, he says; 'but in our hear-rts we've been frinds, barrin' th' naygur dillygates at th' convintion, he says.

'In wandhrin' through th' hall, I just seen a man with a coat on, he says. Great excitement ensood, says me frind Cassidy; an' th' thremblin' victim was brought down th' aisle. 'What have ye to say f'r ye'ersilf? demands th' chairman in thundhrin' tones. 'On'y this, says th' goold-bug. 'I wandhered in here, lookin' f'r frinds, he says. 'I am not a goold-bug, he says.

''Tis not f'r th' likes iv ye to slandher a fam'ly that's iv th' landed gintry iv Ireland, an' f'r two pins I'd hit ye a poke in th' eye, she says. If it hadn't been f'r me bein' between thim, they'd have been trouble; f'r they was good frinds wanst. What is it th' good book says about a woman scorned? Faith, I've forgotten.

There's betther heads than mine to undershtand these things, men that has the larnin', an' is the thrue frinds of Ireland. When I hear them spake from the altar 'tis enough for me. I lave it to them. Ye couldn't turn me in politics or religion, an' I wouldn't listen to anybody but my insthructors since I was twelve inches high."

Did ye iver have to wipe ye'er most intimate frinds off ye'er clothes, whin ye wint home at night? Where was he durin' th' war? he says. 'He was dhrivin' a grocery wagon f'r Philip Reidy, says I. 'An' what's he makin' th' roar about? says th' little man. 'He don't want anny wan to get onto him, says I. "O'Toole was gone be this time, an' th' little man laned over th' bar.

'I knew he would fr'm th' beginnin'. Ye take an' put up a good broad liberal man like George B., a man that has frinds an' knows how to be a good fellow, an' run him again a Boohemian gazabo who gives ivry man th' marble heart an' 'd turn down his own brother, an' anny fool cud tell who 'd win.

"And where do th' nickels come fr'm?" asked Mr. McKenna. "I put thim in," said Mr. Dooley. "Ivry twinty minutes I feed th' masheen a hatful iv nickels, so that whin me frinds dhrop in they won't be dissypinted, d'ye mind. 'Tis a fine invistment for a young man. Little work an' large profits. It rayminds me iv Hogan's big kid an' what he done with his coin.

Th' frinds iv honest money had give thim all to Jawn P. Hopkins's la-ads. They're frinds iv honest money, whin they'se no other in sight. But I'd like to see anny goold-bug or opprissor iv th' people keep th' likes iv me an' Hinnissy out iv a convintion. We braced up to wan iv th' dures, an' a man stopped Hinnissy. 'Who ar-re ye? he says. "I am a Dimmycrat, says Hinnissy.

The symmetry wasn't a gay place, but there were worse. There were some beautiful tombs now there was a parable ov wan; 'twas put up by their frinds to some officers who were dhrownded while they were crossing a flooded sthrame on their way back from a shooting excursion. The car-drivers, who were dhrownded wid them, had no monument.