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The ceremonies of the launch were now to be observed with as much formality as if she were the crack yacht of the season, "Barrin' the traditional bottle of champagne, which it is customary to break over the bows of the new skiff as she plunges into the sea," laughed Uncle Gerald; "and that would not do at all for you, boys." "No, sir," answered Jack, decidedly.

"Sorry o' me knows," replied Tim in an equally awestruck voice, either full of real or very well assumed terror, "barrin' that the divil's got howld av 'em; an' it's raal vexed I am, sorr, av spakin' so moighty disrespectful av his honour jist now. Aye, take me worrud for it, cap'en, they're possiss'd, as sure as eggs is mate!"

Patrick pace to his sowl was in that battle and fought like a tiger, barrin' that he would have done better, as his Captain tould me, if he hadn't forgot the balls in his cartridge-box, and took to his musket like a shelaleh all day long.

Sure, nivir a wan of me saw any that could stand wid her for goodness, barrin' the angel that kissed me good-bye with one foot in the stirrup an' the troopers behind me, now twelve years gone, in ould Donegal, and that I'll niver see again, she lyin' where the hate of the world will vex the heart of her no more, and the masses gone up for her soul.

On my conscience, I wouldn't wonder if it was General Hoche himself. 'Tis late yer come, sir," said he, addressing me directly; "there's no fun here now at all, barrin' what Beresford has in the riding-house." "Get away, you ruffian!" said a well-dressed and respectable-looking man, somewhat past the middle of life; "how dare you permit your tongue to take liberties with a stranger?

Well, it's little of them that passed between us, barrin' that the Injins was so near by, that it was whisper we did, and not a bit else." "Still there must have been some message." "Ye are as wise as a sarpent, Miss Maud, as Father O'Loony used to tell us all of a Sunday! Was it wor-r-ds! Give that to Miss Maud, says the majjor, says he, 'and tell her she is now misthress of my sacret."

M.," he said; "the locksmith had plenty of time to do anything he wanted to do, I dare say, without your being any the wiser." Mrs. Maloney stared at her employer with mingled surprise and alarm. "Sure, there wasn't anything for him to stale, your honor, barrin' the birds and the geran'ums, and " "No, no, I understand. There, that'll do, Mrs.

'Thrue, my son! This jam thing that I'm talkin' about lasted for five minutes good, an' thin we got our arms clear an' wint in. I misremimber exactly fwhat I did, but I didn't want Dinah to be a widdy at the Depot. Thin, after some promishkuous hackin' we shtuck again, an' the Tyrone behin' was callin' us dogs an' cowards an' all manner av names; we barrin' their way.

"Why," replied Barney with a grin, "I suppose the ould chap is hard set on that point; who the devil else would kiss him, barrin' some she ghost or other? Some luckless ould maid, I'll go bail, that gather a beard while she was here, and the devil now is kissin' it off to get seein' what kind of a face she has.

"It'll take a man t' lick me," declared the longshoreman proudly. He thumped his chest. "Yes, sir, a reg'lar-sized man! Now, Furman, he says that, barrin' the World Champion, 'r some guy like that, there ain't a man standin' on two feet in this whole country that can down me!" He thrust out his lower lip. "Ha-a-a-a!" breathed the priest, scornful. He helped guide One-Eye to the kitchen chair.