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An' then, if she's set on marryin' him, why, I cal'late it's her business. It was Masten who was behind Pickett kissin' her he tellin' Pickett to do it. An' he hired Kelso to kill Randerson." "Oh, Ruth!" said Aunt Martha, her voice shaky, as she nestled her head close to the girl's. But her eyes shone with satisfaction. "There's another thing," went on Uncle Jepson to Ruth.

Now hold your noise, and remember where you are and who you're speakin' to; and perhaps I mayn't lock you up this time. Tell me what you saw when you were trespassin' in the meadow." "I sor a young 'omen and a man. And I see her kissin' him; and the gentleman won't believe me." "You mean you saw him kissing her, more likely." "No, I don't.

She wakes up some mornin' after they've been married a year or two and finds her man's gone to work without kissin' her good-by when he was nigh crazy before they were married if he didn't get one every ten minutes.

Wilfrid strode up to her, saying imperiously, "I tell you to listen!" She succumbed at once to a show of physical ascendency, murmuring, "It's sure he was seen kissin' of her twice, and mayhap more; and hearty smacks of the lips, too likin' it." The ladies rewarded Wilfrid for his service to their cause by absolutely hearing nothing a feat women can be capable of.

"Gran' wanted her clothes; she was awful swell dressed." "And she took the clothes how wicked!" "Anyone would have done it down our way," answered Sal, indifferently; "but Gran' changed her mind when she got her home. I went out to get some gin for Gran', and when I came back she was huggin' and kissin' the woman." "She recognised her."

"The kissing of the toe reminded me of it," said he, as he handed the card to Lucy, who looked at the picture of an Irishman in the act of kissing his sweetheart, Blarney Castle being shown in the distance. Underneath was the following: "With quare sinsashuns and palpitashuns, A kiss I'll venture here, Mavrone; 'Tis swater Blarney, good Father Mahoney, Kissin' the girls than that dirty stone."

"He met me and he said, 'Saw Mr. John kissin' Miss Leila! He was off like a shot singin' out 'Goin' to get married, sure. It will be all over Westways by noon, sir." John laughed. "Well, it's true, Josiah Confound Billy! Well, what more?" "Oh, I would rather live with you. The Colonel wants to give me a farm don't want any farm." "Well, well we'll see about it later."

He never kissed yew good-by!" Angy turned, her small, slender feet sinking deep into one of the woolly stars, her slim figure encircled by the light from the upper hall window. She saw a dozen faces uplifted to her, and she answered with quiet dignity: "Abe wouldn't think of kissin' me afore folks."

"I tell ye she does!" cried M'Ginnis, "an' him kissin' an' squeezin' her an' nobody by " "It's a lie, Bud she she wouldn't!" "S'posin' I could show ye? S'pose you see him there waitin' for her " "If if he means any harm t' Hermy, I I'll kill him!" "Aw you wouldn't have the nerve, Kid!" "I'd shoot him dead by God, I would!" "You ain't man enough, Kid." "You g-give me a gun an' see.

"'Thar's a heap of hand-shakin' an' well-wishin' goin' on; mothers an' sisters, an' sweethearts is kissin' us good-bye; an' while thar's some hilarity thar's more sobs. It's not, as I looks back'ard, what you-alls would call a gay affair. "'While all this yere love an' tears is flowin', thar's a gent he's our Captain who's settin' off alone in his saddle, an' ain't takin' no hand.