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He looks that dignified an' what you-alls calls impressive, that the barkeep, yieldin' to the gravity of the situation, allows the drinks is on the house. We-alls gets our forty drops, an' sorter stands pat tharon in silence, waitin' for Enright to onfold his game. We shore knows if thar's a trail he'll find it.

If thar's enough sense in this camp to make bakin'-powder biscuit, you-alls will have a jedge 'lected ready for me to have law cases with by second-drink time to-morrow mornin'." "'After hangin' up this bluff the Dallas sharp, puttin' on a heap of hawtoor an' dog, walks over to the tavern ag'in, an' leaves us to size up the play at our lcesure.

"We-uns done think of Brer Toad as ugly-lookin' fo' so long that we-uns may have overlooked something. Ah don' reckon Brer Toad can sing, but Ah 'lows that perhaps he thinks he can. What do you-alls say to we-uns going down to the Smiling Pool and finding out what he really is up to?" "The very thing!" cried Peter, kicking up his heels.

Of course I don't say an' I don't reckon none Dave thinks of this old-maid maverick once; but, he sees himse'f, ht shore goes to war a heap precipitate an' onconsiderate, an' Tucson Jennie has ondoubted grounds to buck. "'Which, when you-alls puts it so cl'ar, I thinks so too, says Dave, who's listenin' to Enright an' Peets a mighty sight dejected.

Doc Peets says, himse'f, nothin' can he'p him; an' when Peets quits a little thing like consumption an' shoves his chair back, you-alls can gamble a gent's health, that a-way, is on a dead kyard. "I recalls how Rainbow Sam dies; which he rides out into eternity easy an' painless. We-alls is into a poker-game nne night-that is, five of us when Doc Peets is called away.

"These yere events crowdin' each other that a-way first a weddin' an' then an infant boy has a brightenin' effect on public sperit. It makes us feel like the camp's shorely gettin' a start. While we- alls is givin' way to Billy's desire to buy whiskey, Peets comes back, bringin' 'Doby. "Thar's nothin' what you-alls calls dramatic about 'Doby an' Billy comin' together.

I've got a Sharp's with me, which the same, as you-alls knows, is a single-shot, but I don't see no turks, none whatever. Now an' then I hears some little old gobbler, 'cross a canyon, a-makin' of sland'rous remarks about other gobblers to some hen he's deloodin', but I never manages a shot.

Yere's Baxter, to say nothin' of twenty others, as besieges an' beleaguers this yere female for six weeks, an' she scorns 'em. Yere's Tutt, who ain't makin' a move, an' she grabs him. It is sech oncertainties, gents, as makes the love of woman valuable. "'You-alls should have asked me, says Faro Nell, who comes in right then an' rounds up close to Cherokee.

An' he gives it to Nell, who ain't sooperstitious. "'Do you-alls b'ar in mind, says Boggs, as we takes a drink later, 'how I foresees this yere racket the minute I hears Cherokee a- tellin' about his "Jacks up on eights" the "hand the dead man holds?""

Don't make no mistake, or the next census'll be shy, shore. "'What be you-alls aimin' to cel'brate anyhow? says Jack Moore, gettin' the squar'-built gent's gun while Boggs corrals Gentry's. Who's Wolfville entertainin' yere, I'd like for to know?