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But I don't; so you can't, after all, call it a religious exper'ence none; nothin' more'n a eepisode. "'It's winter when I makes them grace-of-heaven determinations, goes on this Boggs, 'an' the spring round-up is months away.

He points out, fairly enough, that there hasn't been a single conviction in any lawful court against the Mormons for the crimes they are accused of. But what of that if Boggs is Governor?

"My mother went to college and she says that every girl in her graduating class was married inside of five years even the homely ones. You see, the homely ones make such perfectly splendid professors' wives. There's even a chance for Procrastination Boggs, you see." "You ridiculous girl!" Nan said. "Come on! Who's going down town with me?

Murrell was saying, as he watched his friend out of the corner of his eyes. "She was mad enough, the way you pushed in on us at Boggs' yesterday. What happened back in North Carolina, Murrell, anyhow?" "Never you mind what happened."

Away at three o'clock in the morning, when we had gone to press and were having a relaxing concert as usual for some of the printers were good singers and others good performers on the guitar and on that atrocity the accordion the proprietor of the Union strode in and desired to know if anybody had heard anything of Boggs or the school report.

I lit the candle, made an examination of the rock, selected some specimens and shouted to Boggs to hoist away. No answer. Presently a head appeared in the circle of daylight away aloft, and a voice came down: "Are you all set?" "All set hoist away." "Are you comfortable?" "Perfectly." "Could you wait a little?" "Oh certainly no particular hurry." "Well good by." "Why? Where are you going?"

Jest as you does now, Dan Boggs takes up this question of luck where Cherokee Hall abandons it, an' likewise the subject of savages where Texas Thompson lays 'em down, an' after conj'inin' the two in fashions I deems a heap weak, allows that luck is confined strictly to the paleface; aborigines not knowin' sufficient to become the target of vicissitoodes, excellent or otherwise.

Bein' doubtful an' mindful of Enright's argyment ag'in his opal bluff, however, Boggs don't advance his concloosions this time at all emphatic. In a tone like he's out ridin' for information himse'f, Boggs says: "'Mebby, if it ain't opals, it's a case of straight loco.

We stated the case, and all turned out to help hunt for the delinquent. We dragged him away and put him to bed. Of course there was no school report in the Union, and Boggs held me accountable, though I was innocent of any intention or desire to compass its absence from that paper and was as sorry as any one that the misfortune had occurred. But we were perfectly friendly.

"Regulars" are permanent sources of news, like courts, bullion returns, "clean-ups" at the quartz mills, and inquests. Inasmuch as everybody went armed, we had an inquest about every day, and so this department was naturally set down among the "regulars." We had lively papers in those days. My great competitor among the reporters was Boggs of the Union. He was an excellent reporter.