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Of course I don't say an' I don't reckon none Dave thinks of this old-maid maverick once; but, he sees himse'f, ht shore goes to war a heap precipitate an' onconsiderate, an' Tucson Jennie has ondoubted grounds to buck. "'Which, when you-alls puts it so cl'ar, I thinks so too, says Dave, who's listenin' to Enright an' Peets a mighty sight dejected.

Even from that distance the American could distinguish the "Ht" of the brute as he fell, lifeless, in the road. In order to make short work of the agile swordsman, the other two closed grimly in. The Cockney had had some difficulty in disengaging his blade from the falling man, permitting his adversaries to push their ponies so close to his sides that he could work only with a shortened blade.

In 1842 he went to Stockholm Observatory in order to gain experience in practical astronomical work, and in the following year ht became observer at Upsala Observatory.

Any Ass but a detective know that. "I had long suspected these facts," said the inspector; "this testimony proves the unerring accuracy of my instinct." The moment one resource failed him he was ready with another. He immediately wrote an advertisement for the morning papers, and I kept a copy of it: A. xWhlv. 242 ht. Tjnd fz328wmlg. Ozpo, 2 m! 2m!. M! ogw.

A check for one hundred dollars may also be easily altered to eight hundred dollars, especially when sufficient space has been left between the "one" and the "hundred," as follows: Add to the "O" the top part of an "E," dot part of the "n" to form an "i," connect the remaining part of the "n" with the "e," forming the loop of a "g," and then add "ht." The figure "i" is very easily changed to "8."