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To a common observer, the combatants were unequally matched; for Smith was a burly, big-limbed animal, alike superior to Grey in years and strength. But Vivian, though delicate in frame and more youthful, was full his match in spirit, and, thanks to being a Cockney! ten times his match in science. He had not built a white great coat or drunk blue ruin at Ben Burn's for nothing!

Interest, family associations, a feeling that could best be described as liking, even pity, had played their part in influencing her, and now she realized that she could not honorably draw back when he formally claimed her. She laughed as one of the packers who had a good voice broke into a song. "That's the climax; it needs only the cockney accent to make the thing complete," she said.

Then, emerging upon a platform of slabs, from which the jump into the infirmary exercise-yard is twenty feet, Hogarth leapt. The Cockney stood hesitating on the brink. "As sure as my name's 'Arris, you'll be the bloomin' ruin of me..." he said aloud. "Sh-h-h", went Hogarth, "one more word, and I leave or knock you speechless".

She had an English look, and three or four others, with dark complexion and black, unsteady eyes, and various abandon of back-hair, looked like Cockney houris of Jewish blood; while two of the lovely company were clearly of our own nation, as was the young man with the reckless laughing face.

And I wanted to make friends among them, and see how they felt. "Lor' lumme its old 'Arry Lauder!" said one cockney. "God bless you, 'Arry many's the time I've sung with you in the 'alls. It's good to see you with us!" And so I was greeted everywhere. Man after man crowded around me to shake hands.

I've been dodging Siberia ever since. Get your medal, Carrick, and come along," he called over his shoulder to the Cockney, who was reluctant to leave without his precious heirloom.

And as we came full into it and I stood up to descend from the car, stretching my tired, stiff legs, the silence and the darkness were split by three tremendous cheers. It wasn't General Haig who was arriving! It was Harry Lauder! "What's the matter here?" I called, as loudly as I could. "Been waitin' for ye a couple of 'ours, 'Arry," called a loud cockney voice in answer. "Go it now!

So hopeless was my estate now become that, dreading more than ever that which the inscrutable future held for me, I sat down and framed an advertisement, which I contemplated putting in all the newspapers, weeklies, and monthly periodicals, offering a handsome reward for any suggestion which might result in ridding me of the cockney ghost.

Gallon shuffled his bare feet on the hot boards. "We hev been thinkin'," he began in a throaty cockney voice, "that since ye was not mate to begin with " he looked back over the crowd toward the real leader, Caradoc, for moral support. The men gave Smith an opening toward the American.

But some of its members, less daunted than the rest, had the presence of mind to wonder why it seemed strange and strangely chilling that a rather coarse, stout woman with a cockney accent and little social refinement should have passed through, and emerged so successfully from, the unimaginable retreat.