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"So all you've got to do, Molly, is to do as he tells you to, obey and trust Him jest as the child trusts his pa, and asks him for what he wants most, you must ask Him for the desire of your heart, and if it is best for you, dear, He will bring it to pass." "Do you think so?" sez she, brightenin' up more'n considerable. "No, I don't think so. I know it."

That's all." "Thanks!" said Link, again. "An' now I guess I'll go back home an' commence brightenin' Chum up, a wee peckle, on his tricks. Maybe I'll have time to learn him some new ones, too. I want him to make a hit with them judges, an' everything." "Tricks?" scoffed the postmaster, pausing as he started to walk away. "Dogs don't need tricks in the show ring.

"You'd better go," sez I, "I love to see you happy, Josiah Allen." "Yes, you'd better go," sez the man. "No!" sez Josiah, still a lookin' round for a excuse, up into the heavens and onto the horizon. And at last his face kinder brightenin' up, as if he had found one: "No, it looks so kinder cloudy, I guess I won't go. I think we shall have rain between now and night."

"I don't know about it," says he, sort o' musin'ly. "I am gettin' pretty old to begin it, but I don't know but I might get to be a doctor now." Says he, brightenin' up, "It can't take much study to deal out a dose of salts now and then, or count anybody's pult." But says I firmly, "Give up that idee at once, Josiah Allen.

We start Saturday; that is, if I can make up a little party. But I don't just know whom to ask." "Pardon me if I seem to hint," says I, "but what's the matter with brother-in-law Ferdie and Marjorie, with Vee and me thrown in for luck?" "By Jove!" says he, brightenin' up. "Would you? And would Miss Vee?" "Maybe we could stand it," says I. "Done, then!" says he. "I'll 'phone Marjorie at once."

"But it ain't," says I. "No heart complications at all. This ain't even a matter of a missin' relative, a lost wrist watch, or gettin' advice on buyin' oil stocks. It's a case of a cook with a wilful disposition. Get me? I want her to hear the right kind of dope from the spirit world." "Ah!" says she, her eyes brightenin'. "I think I follow you, child of the sun. Rather a clever idea, too.

"Why, I laid out," sez he lookin' helplessly round for a excuse, "I laid out to bring it up in baskets," and he went on brightenin' up as a idee struck him "I've observed, Samantha, that dirt is handy for house plants, or to plant seeds in the spring of the year."

You ought to go right up to the house an' see her now. She's awfully cut up about it." "All right," says Dave, brightenin' up. "It was a dirty, mean trick anyway to play on a cove; but I'll go up an' see her." An' he went there 'n' then. An' about fifteen minutes arterwards he comes boltin' back from the house one way an' his horse the other.

You don't pull 'em with your hands, you pull 'em with your minds." "Oh, wall!" says I, brightenin' up. "You are all right in that case: you won't pull hard enough to hurt you any." I knew the size and strength of his mind, jest as well as if I had took it out of his head, and weighed it on the steelyards. It was not over and above large.

After he drove his handsome span of grays into the horse barn he come in and I see his linement looked considerable brighter and happier, brightenin' still more as he met Rosy's sweet smiles and cordial words. She wuz sick of Jabez, sick as lobely could make her. And her old love and leanin' on Royal Nelson had come back in full force.