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Them first months, Hanna, showed me what I'd been missin'. It was just the way I figured it somebody around like you, singin' and putterin'. It was that laugh in the office made me bring it here, where I could have it always by me." "It's been knocked out of me, every bit of laugh I ever had in me; lemme tell you that." "I can remember the first time I ever heard you, Hanna.

We must take the provisions, and this 'ere corpse, and git into the water, floatin' under the ledge until they goes; for when this chap Gomez is found to be missin', they'll search and find us if we don't do as I say. We must risk the sharks!"

Do you know, Torchy, the cotton situation is about to reach a crisis and if I cannot put through a " "Come on, Torchy," breaks in Vee. "Let's try this one." "Sure!" says I. "Although I'm missin' some mighty thrillin' information about what's going to happen to cotton." "Oh, bother cotton!" says Vee. "It would do Stanley good to forget about his silly old business for a little while. Look at him!

"But it ain't," says I. "No heart complications at all. This ain't even a matter of a missin' relative, a lost wrist watch, or gettin' advice on buyin' oil stocks. It's a case of a cook with a wilful disposition. Get me? I want her to hear the right kind of dope from the spirit world." "Ah!" says she, her eyes brightenin'. "I think I follow you, child of the sun. Rather a clever idea, too.

I didn't see her this time." Sylvia's eyes began to look startled and questioning. Old Lem met her gaze. "Ye've got the same name," he remarked curiously, as the fact occurred to him, "same as Miss Marthy. Miss Marthy ain't no kin to you, is she, Thinkright?" "No, except through this child. This little girl is a link." "The missin' link, eh?" returned Cap'n Lem.

If a loved one, tender an' troo, turns up missin' at roll-call, an' the phenomenon ain't accompanied with explanations, one sort thinks he's quit, an' the other thinks he's killed. Spencer's inamorata is of the former. She's got what the neighbors calls "hoss sense."

I invests so much soul in the blow that missin' that a-way, I comes within' a ace of clubs of goin' off my hoss an' onto my head. An' still that exasperatin' Yank goes rackin' along, an' if anything some faster than before. At that I begins to lose my temper ag'in.

Some day, Hinnissy, justice'll be done me, an' th' likes iv me; an', whin th' story iv a gr-reat battle is written, they'll print th' kilt, th' wounded, th' missin', an' th' seryously disturbed. An' thim that have bore thimsilves well an' bravely an' paid th' taxes an' faced th' deadly newspa-apers without flinchin' 'll be advanced six pints an' given a chanst to tur-rn jack f'r th' game.

An' as for vegetables Lord! he don't seem to know whether 'tis beans or peas he 'as there's a kind o' sap gone out o' the garden this summer, for all that it's so fine an' flourishin'. There's a missin' o' somethin' somewheres!"

And just as I'd about reached the conclusion that 'twas a failure, the whole business, why, then, Bos'n Emily, that is dropped in, and inside of a week I knew I'd got what was missin' in my life. "I never married and children never meant much to me till I got her. She's the best little little . . . There! I mustn't talk this way.