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He was a bit nervous at fust, for fear anybody should find out that 'e wasn't a real Zulu, because the manager said they'd tear 'im to pieces if they did, and eat 'im arterwards, but arter a time 'is nervousness wore off and he jumped about like a monkey. They gave performances every arf hour from ha'-past six to ten, and Rupert felt ready to drop.

"I sha'n't stay at 'ome for fifty dear friends," ses Charlie. "Have it your own way," ses Emma. "If you come, Sophy Jennings comes, that's all." She was as good as 'er word, too, and next night when they turned up they found Emma and 'er friend waiting for them. Charlie thought it was the friend's mother at fust, but he found out arterwards that she was a widder-woman.

"I 'ave not," I ses, drawing myself up. "'Ave you?" "No," he ses. "We missed it." "Missed it?" I ses, staring at 'im. "Yes," he ses, nodding. "The day arter you came out screaming, and cuddling me like a frightened baby, it shipped as A.B. on the barque Ocean King, for Valparaiso. We missed it by a few hours. Next time you see a ghost, knock it down fust and go and cuddle the police arterwards."

When he's allowed to put it round 'er waist whenever he wishes, he won't want to do it. She's artful enough to know that, and that's why they are all so stand-offish until the thing is settled. She'll move forward 'arf an inch presently, and 'arf a minute arterwards she'll lean back agin without thinking. She's a nice-looking gal, and what she can see in a tailor's dummy like that, I can't think."

I never had a day's illness, which I set down to them cabbages. I never saw them anywhere else, and I larnt arterwards that Kerguelen Island for that was the place I was thrown on was famous for them. "When spring came and the snow melted I made up a package of forty pounds of meat, for the seals had not come yet, and started to make a tour of the island.

She had the worst tongue in the district, no one's character was safe with her; but she wasn't old, an' she wasn't bad-lookin' only hard so there was some fellers hangin' round arter her. An' Dave Regan's horse was hangin' up outside her place as often as anybody else's. Dave was a native an' a bushy, an' drover an' a digger, an' he was a bit soft in them days he got hard enough arterwards.

Lord, how white he looked about the gills arterwards; I thought I should a split when I looked at him. Guess he'll know an Attache when he sees him next time. "Well, there is dinner. One sarvice of plate is like another sarvice of plate, any one dozen of sarvants are like another dozen of sarvants, hock is hock, and champaigne is champaigne and one dinner is like another dinner.

Call 'im off! "Bob said arterwards that 'e was foolish enough to lose 'is presence o' mind for a moment, and instead o' doing anything he stood there gaping with 'is mouth open. "'Call 'im off! screams Mr. Bunnett, trying to push the dog away. 'Why don't you call him off? "'Don't move, ses Bob Pretty in a frightened voice. 'Don't move, wotever you do. "'Call him off! Take 'im away! ses Mr.

Chops as comfortable a funeral as lay in my power, followed myself as Chief, and had the George the Fourth canvass carried first, in the form of a banner. But, the House was so dismal arterwards, that I giv it up, and took to the Wan again. "I don't triumph," said Jarber, folding up the second manuscript, and looking hard at Trottle. "I don't triumph over this worthy creature.

"No oh no!" and Meg's eyes grew thoughtful. "She got through her trouble all right, but 'twas about a year or eighteen months arterwards that she took to pinin' like, an' droopin' down just like the poppies droops in the corn when the sun's too fierce upon 'em.