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I do spoze it wuz vanity and pride that wuz at the bottom of it. And truly, if I desired to see life on a new side I wuz about to have my wish; and if I had a haughty sperit when I entered that hall of fashion, it wuz with droopin' feathers and lowered crest that I went out on't. Josiah wuz mad when he finally gin up and accompanied and went in with me.

And all sorts of trees with different foliage, some loose and feathery, some with shinin' leaves, glitterin' where the rain had washed 'em the night before; some towerin' up towards the heavens, shakin' their heads at the sun; some droopin' down as if weighted with their wealth of branches and green leaves; anon a tree covered with flowers, and then some evergreens, and anon one that had ketched in its brilliant leaves the red hectic of autumn fever and blazed out in crimson and yeller.

"You are too weak even to sit without support," said Connor, "your head is droopin'. For God's sake, lean it over on me! Oh! I'd give ten thousand lives to have it on my breast only for one moment!" Her paleness still continued; she gazed on him, and, as he gently squeezed her hand, a slight pressure was given in return.

"He sent this blessedness to me, to know his soul is saved, that he is working for Him." I felt queer. That afternoon they met under a ellum tree. He'd found out she wuz there, and asked for a interview, which I see that she granted him. It wuz a pretty spot, clost to the water, with trees of droopin' ellums and some maples, and popples touched with fire and gold.

"Now, Chloe had n' seed Jeff all day, fer Mars' Dugal' had sont Jeff ober ter his daughter's house, young Mis' Ma'g'ret's, w'at libbed 'bout fo' miles fum Mars' Dugal's, en Jeff wuz n' 'spected home 'tel ebenin'. But des atter supper wuz ober, en w'iles de ladies wuz settin' out on de piazzer, Chloe slip' off fum de house en run down de road, dis yer same road we come; en w'en she got mos' ter de crick dis yer same crick right befo' us she kin' er kep' in de bushes at de side er de road, 'tel fin'lly she seed Jeff settin' on de bank on de udder side er de crick, right unner dat ole wilier-tree droopin' ober de water yander.

"And the parson, he sot him down; and old Tom he sot there solemn enough, and held his head down all droopin', lookin' like a rail pious old cock, as long as the parson sot by him. "'There: you see how still he sets, says the parson to Huldy. "Huldy was 'most dyin' for fear she should laugh. 'I'm afraid he'll get up, says she, 'when you do.

And coverin' their eyes with their droopin' wings when they found it wuz so they sung it through and the minister, for he wuz a stiddy man, went home in good season. And Perkins also started home walkin' afoot, it wuz so little ways. And as I said, some wimmen sot on him and hoss-whipped him. Some of these wimmen's husbands had been ruined and killed by the Poor Man's Club.

Now, I used to watch that theer tree an' here's the cur'us thing, Peter day by day I see that tree a-droopin' an' droopin', a-witherin' an' a-pinin' for them other two brothers you might say till one day I come by, an' theer it were, Peter, a-standin' up so big an' tall as ever but dead! Ay, Peter, dead it were, an' never put forth another leaf, an' never will, Peter never.

He'm a true, good man, and he'm comin' to marry me quick." "Joe Noy?" "No, no, not him. I thot I loved en well till Mister Jan comed, an' opened my blind eyes, an' shawed me what love was. Mister Jan's a gen'leman a furriner. He caan't live wi'out me no more; he's said as he caan't. An' I'm droopin' an' longin' for the sight o' en.

She looked all round it, and felt of the low, droopin' branches and looked clost at the bark. She is a great case for the bark of things, Miss Meechim is, you know some be. They will set their microscopes on a little mite of bark and argy for hours about it, but don't think of the life that is goin' on underneath. The divine vitality of truth that animates the hidden soul of things.