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Say lak mek yo' acquaintenance. Dissa tem was minnernight. Magistrate craw' out from unner tabuh, an' fonnow oneddy in nex' loom. Heah was Chan Tow, dissa highrob. Was fee' in vay good tempiniment to-night hedda jus' rob litty gir' her earlings." "It made him very happy to have stolen earrings from a little girl?" "Oh, yeh. Earlings med jay-stone.

Hossish ain't frightened! On'y ran away four timesh comin' here. Oh, no! Nobody's frightened. Every thin's all ri'. Ain't it, Bill?" he said, addressing the driver. "On'y been overboard twish; knocked down a hatchway once. Thash nothin'! On'y two men unner doctor's han's at Stockton. Thash nothin'! Six hunner dollarsh cover all dammish."

Ef you go unner hyar in the middle o' this sage-brush, Walt Wilder air goin' to wrap his karkiss in a corner o' the same windin' sheet. There ain't much strength remainin' in my arms now, but enuf, I reck'n, to keep them buzzarts off for a good spell yit. They don't pick our bones till I've thinned thar count anyhow.

The mains'l was h'isted, but there wasn't no heads'l on her, and we lay theer riddy to get unner way. There was a fresh o' wind blowin' from the eastard, not wery stiddy, and as we lay theer the boom kep' a wamblin' and a jerkin' from side to side, a wrenchin' the mainsheet block a rum un. The guv'nor was a readin' of a letter as had just been brought down by the poost.

She put up wid her, en hed de doctor gib her medicine, en let 'er go ter de circus, en all so'ts er things fer ter take her min' off'n her troubles. But dey didn' none un 'em do no good. Chloe got ter slippin' down here in de ebenin' des lak she 'uz comin' ter meet Jeff, en she'd set dere unner dat willer tree on de udder side, en wait fer 'im, night atter night.

"Nearhan' civileezed unner the fine influences o' the English, wi' their cultivation and their mainners, and, aboon a', their gran' Edwards and Hairries." "I dinna richtly unnerstan' ye, sir," said Bruce. "Ye hae heard hoo the king clave the skull o' Sir Henry dee Bohunn�-haena ye, sir?" "Ow, aye. But it was a pity it wasna the ither gait.

"Weel, my lord, I hae gruppit her at last, an' I bude to come an tell ye. "Leave your beastly gibberish. You can speak what at least resembles English when you like." "Weel, my lord, I hae her unner lock an' keye." "Who, in the name of Satan?" "Mistress Catanach, my lord!" "Damn her eyes! What's she to me that I should be waked out of a good sleep for her?"

She she isn't on top of any these tables, an' I I knew you wassen unner 'em. You ain't " "Permit me," interrupted Odell-Carney with grave dignity. "Your friend, Miss Fowler, is not in gaol. He is out " "Not in gaol!" she almost shrieked. "I knew it! I knew it could not go wrong. But where is he?" "He's out on bail. We bailed him out at half-past ten Wot!"

"Lawd, Miss Cynthy, 'twan' me dat mek Eve mad twuz de preacher, 'caze atter we got back ter de cabin en eat de watermillion ter de rin', she up en tied her bonnet on tight es a chestnut burr en made right fur de do'. De preacher done tote 'er, she sez, dat Eve 'uz in subjection ter her husban', en she'd let 'im see she warn' gwine be subjected unner no man, she warn't.

A roar of furious water greeted their ears. "That's t' beck unner Wanthwaite Bridge," said Brand feebly. "Wait a bit, sir." He sank down on a stone by the roadside. Through the trees on the left the foaming river glimmered in the departing light. Boden bent over him, encouraging him with the promise of shelter and food, murmuring also of God, the help of the sinner. Suddenly the lad leapt up.