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"Murderer!" echoed he, after a moment of apparent reflection. "No, no; it's bad enuf to hev the blame o' that, 'ithout bein' guilty o't. I ain't agwine to murder ye; but I ain't agwine neyther to let ye go. I mout a did so a minnit agone, but ye've lost yur chance. Ye've called me a coward; an' by the Etarnal! no man 'll say that word o' Hick Holt, an' live to boast o't.

Hank got the buck's name outen a book where it said in slick soundin' poetry as how Belshazzar was king an' Belshazzar waz lord. Thet buck were sure the mos' uppity critter! Nuthin' waz good enuf fer him to sociate with and he herded by hisself mos'ly. He waz allus on thu prod, stompin' aroun' darin' thu other critters to fite.

"Soon's we can get enuf money," he said, "Bob'll buy me a broom, then I'll 'elp." "Wouldn't you like to help now?" she asked. "Yes," he replied, "but brooms cost a lot o' money." "So they do," said the woman. "Besides, you're not big enough yet, but you could sell some matches, couldn't you?

It's clur enuf: ye'll acknowledge that, won't ye?" "No," I replied in a firm voice. "Ye won't? The hell, ye won't? Look hyur, stranger! I'm in airnest. Look in my eye, an' see if I ain't! I gi' ye warnin' then, that ef ye're not out o' this clarin' in six jumps o' a squ'll, you'll niver go out o' it a livin' man. You see that ere stump?

Dat more dan enuf to last Sam if he libe to be bery, bery ole man. Dar are some good men in de village who, when I am gone, will carry on de work ob de Lord and dat's all, sar, dat I hab to tell you about Sam, and I am sure dat you must be very tired and want to go to bed."

Officer continues moralizing on the bad results of liquor, and deliberately draws a commitment from his breast pocket. "Committed by Justice Snivel breaking the peace at the house of Madame " He cannot make out the name. First officer interposes learnedly "Madame Flamingo." "Sure enuf, he's been playin' his shines at the old woman's house again.

"They were false I confess it." "Enuf!" cried Holt, drawing down his gun. "Enuf for me. An' now, ye cowardly snake, ye may go wi' yur beauties yander. They'll not like ye a bit the wuss for all this. Ye may go an' carry yur conscience along wi' ye ef that 'll be any comfort to ye. Away wi' ye!" "No!" exclaimed a voice from behind, and at the same time Wingrove was seen stepping out from the rock.

This is er day I bin er longin' fur and prayin' fur eber since ther ding Yanks cum and freed Mr. Nigger an' sot im on ekal footin' wid er white man. Laws er massy me'. Gentermen, I'se seed things happen in this here town sence Fo't Fisher fell thet wus enuf ter make eny dec'nt white man go inter his hole, an' pull his hole after 'im. Think uv it, gentermen, think uv it!

"Braiv Soljer: I doant know who you air, or whair you may bee; I only know that you air serving your country, and that is enuf to entitle to the gratitude and afl'ection of every man and woman who has the breath of patriotism in their bodies.

"'Pears like 'twas next door to heaven, up there, Jos," Aunt Ri would say. "I can't tell yer the feelin' 't comes over me, to look up 't it, ever sence I knowed she wuz there. 'T shines enuf to put yer eyes aout, sometimes; I allow 'tain't so light's thet when you air into 't; 't can't be; ther couldn't nobody stan' it, ef 't wuz.