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"Then more is the shame for him," said the Irish woman, "and Miss Rose, and missus, and even I prayin' for him, all as if he was our own brudder. It's seldom I ask anything for a heretic, but I could not forget a fine young man like Mr. Mulford, and Miss Rose so partial to him, and he in so bad a way. He ought to be ashamed to make his brags that he is too proud to pray."

We got to Plummer right after he'd finished hangin' a man, and took him to his own gallows." "You'd of thought a cool devil like that would of made a good end, but he didn't. He just got down on his knees and cried, and asked God to help him. Then he begged us to give him time to pray, but one of the boys up and told him he could do his prayin' from the cross-beam.

Upson's dogs, dey'll trace me plum hyear; an' wat I is ter do I dunno; I jes prays constunt ter de Lord. He'll he'p me, I reckon, caze I prays tree times eby day, an' den in 'tween times." "Is your name Brer Dan'l?" asked Dumps, who remembered Uncle Bob's story of Daniel's praying three times a day. "No, honey, my name's Pomp; but den I'm er prayin' man, des same ez Danl' wuz."

I ain't goin' to send no man to kingdom without givin' him time to pray. Ef he won't use it the blame is his'n, but that ain't no reason why I oughtn't to give him the time." "How long?" "Wa'al, I reckon 'bout three minutes is 'nough fur a right good prayer. Thar, he's shot ag'in, but I don't know whar his bullet went. He's usin' up his prayin' time fast."

"I air a-prayin' every day," said Tess, with a lump in her throat, "that ye be taken with the brat to the sky to the brat's pa what ye loves.... Air that the prayin' ye wants?" Teola nodded, and Tess, smiling tenderly, hesitated, and whispered: "The student's God can do anything He wants to. Asks Him to let ye go 'cause ye be sick, and the brat air sick, too, and the winter'll be cold for him."

"You wud hae thocht that every meenut was an hour," said Jamie Soutar, who had been at the threshing, "an' a'll never forget the puir lad lying as white as deith on the floor o' the loft, wi' his head on a sheaf, an' Burnbrae haudin' the bandage ticht an' prayin' a' the while, and the mither greetin' in the corner.

The memory of his recent failure and fall came over him. "What's the use o' me attendin' your meetin's?" he said, almost angrily; "my soul's past recovery, for I don't believe in your prayin' an' psalm-singin'." "You trusted me freely wi' your hand, David, though I'm no surgeon.

I see my chance an' before that prayer ended I had got the fugitives under some hay in my wagon and started off with them on my way to Livingston County. I could hear the prayin' until I got over the hill into Canaan barrens. At sundown I left them in good hands thirty miles up the road."

Den I see a canoe, en I says dey ain't no use to drown myself tell I got to; so I ties de hoss in de edge o' de timber en shove out down de river, keepin' in under de shelter o' de bluff bank en prayin' for de dark to shet down quick.

When darkness came and shut the nearest vessel out from his view, he scrambled to his feet and hastened toward his master's house, muttering under his breath: "Jonas been prayin' hard fur de Yankees to come, an' bress de Lawd, here dey is! Now, what Jonas gwine do?"