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O bless us, Lord! O bless us now, we pray; Unless ye'll come an' bless us, Lord, We won't leave hyear ter day. "Deze chil'en, Lord; deze chil'en, Lord, O keep dey little feet Er gwine straight ter hebn, Lord, Fur ter walk dat golden street. "O bless us, Lord! O bless us, Lord! O come in all yer might; Unless yer'll come an' bless us, Lord, We'll wrestle hyear all night.

"Dar now!" said Mammy; "de folks done gone an' lef' Ole Daddy, an' we got ter stuff 'im in hyear somewhar." "They ain't no room in hyear," said Dumps, tightening her gasp on Cherubim, for she strongly suspected that Mammy would insist on leaving the puppies to make room for Daddy.

Dan'l wuz er good Christyun man wat lived in de Bible; and whedder he wuz er white man or whedder he wuz er brack man I dunno; I ain't nuber hyeard nobody say. But dat's neder hyear no dar; he wuz er good man, and he pray tree times eby day.

"My marster, Lord; my marster, Lord O Lord, he does his bes', So when yer savin' sinners, Lord, Save him wid all de res'. "O bless us, Lord! O bless us, Lord! An' keep us in yer cyar; Unless yer'll come an' bless us, Lord, We're gwine ter hol' yer hyear. "My missus, Lord; my missus, Lord, O bless my missus now She's tryin' hard ter serve yer, Lord, But den she dunno how. "O bless us, Lord!

"Lipto, lipto fi-yi-yi; Lipto, lipto, hyear am I, Er holdin' uv dis goldin' crown, An' I choose my gal fur ter dance me down." "An' I choose my man fur ter dance me down." "Lipto" was followed by "De One I Like de Bes'," which was a kissing game, and gave rise to much merriment.

Now wat yer say? speak yer min'. Ef'n yer able an' willin' ter tote me fum hyear ter de crick, I'll ontie yer; ef'n yer ain't, den far yer well, caze I mus' be er gittin' erlong.

"Well, de nex' night de Jay sot in 'is nes' er waitin' fur 'is cump'ny; an' atter er wile hyear come de Woodpecker. Soon's eber he seed de sticks ercross de do', he sez, 'Wy, pyears like yer ben er fixin' up, sezee. 'Ain't yer ben er buildin'?

"Get down this minute, an' drive 'im off; ef yer don't, I'll tell Mammy you wouldn't min' me." "Riar, you go," said Diddie; "he ain't butted you yet." "He ain't gwine ter, nuther," said Riar, "caze I gwine ter stay up hyear long o' Miss Tot, like Mammy tell me. I 'longs to her, an' I gwine stay wid 'er myse'f, an' nuss 'er jes like Mammy say."

"It's 'cause you always tell us tales, an' don't quar'l with us," replied Diddie, as the children drew near the old man, and watched him cut the long willow branches. "Uncle Bob," asked Dumps, "what was that you was singin' 'bout the jay bird?" "Lor', honey, hit wuz jes 'boutn 'im dyin' wid de hookin'-coff; but yer better lef' dem jay birds erlone; yer needn' be er wantin' ter hyear boutn 'em."

"Oh, pray, my brudder, pray! Yes, my Lord; My brudder's settin in de kingdom, Fur ter hyear sweet Jordan roll. Chorus "Roll, Jordan, roll! roll, Jordan, roll! I want ter go ter heb'n wen I die, Fur ter hyear sweet Jordan roll. "Oh, shout, my sister, shout! Yes, my Lord; My sister she's er shoutin' Caze she hyears sweet Jordan roll. "Oh, moan, you monahs, moan!