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And now in that same creek whereas the serpent used to lurk when I was little, we have a thing come, which is made to swim on the water; and I, could I have a long pole to shove withal.

"Well you are a nice young man," replied she, taking the half-crown; "I'll be back directly, my dear." The men in the boat laughed, and the coxswain desired them to shove off. "No," observed I, "you must wait for my eighteen-pence." "We shall wait a devilish long while, then, I suspect. I know that girl, and she has a very bad memory."

"'Look 'ere, I ses, shoving 'im off. "'She fell overboard, he ses, dancing about. 'Oh, my pore sister! Quick! Quick! I can't swim! "He ran to the side and pointed at the water, which was just about at 'arf-tide. Then 'e caught 'old of me agin. "'Make 'aste, he ses, giving me a shove behind. 'Jump in. Wot are you waiting for? "I stood there for a moment 'arf dazed, looking down at the water.

I have seen her oars and mast in a corner of their room. To shove off in an empty boat would be nothing but a desperate expedition, supposing even that she would drift out a good distance between the islands before the morning. It would only be a complicated manner of committing suicide to be found dead in a boat, dead from sun and thirst. A sea mystery. I wonder who would find us!

"I'm sorry for his old father and mother. I'm a father myself." "I certainly had a good farewell kick at him!" declared Pilzer. "Lean on yourself!" he added, giving a shove to the old reservist who was next him. "I saw men who had ceased to be human.

There is so much newspaper literature that is pure, and cheap, and elegant; shove back this leprosy from your door. Mark it well: a man is no better than the newspaper he habitually reads.

He had gauged the distance to a nicety, and before the German could cry out, one of the lad's hands sank deep into his throat. But the latter was a powerful man and not to be overcome easily. He hurled the lad from him with a quick shove, at the same time twisting on the wrist of the hand that gripped his throat. The pain was almost unbearable and Hal was forced to loosen his hold.

Ere she reached the opposite bank, he gave her a violent shove, which sent her shrieking vainly for help into the swirling torrent below. He ran along the bank shouting frantically, "Maini! Maini!" Alas! her slender body was carried like a straw by the foaming water towards the Ganges and soon disappeared in a bend of the nullah. Then her murderer sat down and gave himself up to despair.

Having collected my materials, I commenced the construction of the raft, and finished it in half an hour, very much to my satisfaction. I built it partly in the water, so that I might have less difficulty in launching it. I had to prepare a very essential implement to enable me to perform my voyage, namely, a long pole with which to shove the raft along.

"What shall we do how shall we get rid of him?" "A thousand devils may take the lieutenant, and his nasty dog, too," exclaimed the widow, in great wrath; "this is the last time that either of them enter my house; try, Babette, with your broom shove at him hard."