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Thur's witnesses o' both sides yur own beauties down yander; an' some hyur o' a better sort, I reck'n. Afore them, I call on ye to declar that yur proofs wur false, an' that I'm innocent o' the crime o' murder!" There was a profound silence when the speaker finished. The strange and unexpected nature of the demand, held every one in breathless surprise.

"I didn't see yur a-comin' in, or I mout 'a spoke sooner. I've got a smart lick across the arm, an' I wur just a-tyin' it up as ye tumbled in thur. Who did 'ee think this child wur?" "I did not think you were anyone. I took you for a grizzly bear." "Ha! ha! ha! He! he! he! I thort so, when I heard the click o' your pistol. He! he! he!

I heard a loud plashing in the water the shouts of men, the clashing of bayonets; and then saw the reptile roll over, pierced by a dozen wounds. "Yur safe, Cap'n!" It was Lincoln's voice. Around me stood a dozen of the men, up to their waists. I could not help smiling at the ludicrous picture. "Yes, safe," answered I, panting for breath; "safe you came in good time, though!"

"Keep cool, Hickman Holt!" rejoined the Mormon, without moving from his seat "keep cool! I expected this; but it's all bluster. I tell you she will, and she shall!" "Hev a care, Josh Stebbins! Hev a care what yur about! Ye don't know what you may drive me to " "But I know what I may lead you to," interrupted the other with a sneering smile. "What?" involuntarily inquired Holt.

I was blinded with it; I rubbed my eyes to clear them. I heard men rushing from all parts of the thicket. When I could see again, a naked savage was just disappearing through the leaves. "Missed him!" cried the trapper. "Away wi' yur sodger gun!" he added, flinging down the musket, and rushing after the savage with his drawn knife. I followed among the rest.

Their intention was evident. "But can they do this?" I inquired, doubting the possibility of our enemies being able to effect their purpose in that way; "can we not bear the smoke?" "Bar it! Yur green, young fellur. Do 'ee know what sort o' brush thur a-toatin' yander?" "No," said I; "what is it?" "It ur the stink-plant, then; an' the stinkinest plant 'ee ever smelt, I reckin.

The following was scrawled upon a sheet of soiled stationery: "John Merrak, esquare, to Marshall McMahon McNutt, detter. "To yur gals Smashin' 162 mellings at 50 cents a one .....................$81.00 Pleas remitt & save trouble." The nieces screamed, laughing until they cried, while Uncle John spluttered, smiled, beamed, and then requested an explanation.

I was interrupted by an exclamation a horrid oath that came fiercely hissing from the lips of the squatter. "Damnation!" cried he; "you be damned! Civil treetmint i'deed! You're a putty fellur to talk o' civil treetmint, arter jumpin' yur hoss over a man's fence, an' ridin' slap-jam inter his door, 'ithout bein' asked!

The young prairie merchant by his side, supposing him to have aimed only at the Indian's horse, has raised his own gun, ready to take the rider as soon as uncovered. "No need, Frank," shouts the guide, restraining him. "Walt Wilder don't waste two charges o' powder that way. Keep yur bullet for the karkidge o' the next as comes 'ithin range. Look yonder!

This was addressed to Rube, who was busy on his rib and made no reply. "He? not he," said another, answering for him. "Rube's ate a heap o' queery tit-bits in his time. Hain't ye, Rube?" "Ay, an' afore yur be as long in the mountains as this child, 'ee'll be glad to get yur teeth over wuss chawin's than wolf-meat; see if 'ee don't, young fellur." "Man-meat, I reckin?"