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Miss Boyd attended to the general merchandise, sold stationery and perfumes, candy and fancy soaps, and in the intervals surveyed the world that lay beyond the plate glass windows with shrewd, sophisticated young eyes. "That new doctor across the street is getting busier," she would say. Or, "The people in 42 have got a Ford. They haven't got room for a garage, either.

Don't I have cause to know that? It's easy as slidin' off a log to see what she done. She helped herself to what was in this yere envelope, an' filled it with train stationery. Then she sealed it up with the same kind o' seals. Stole the stamp and wax on purpose. Thought she could get away with it. I take off my hat to her." "I know nothing except that I agreed to bring the parcel," said Clo.

A bioscope, competitive concerts, a Christmas tree, a New Year's treat, football and hockey tournaments, and entertainments of various kinds have been improvised to make the men forget the awful hardship of the march and of the battle. On Sunday the writing tables are full from dawn till dark and tons of stationery have been used to keep these men in touch with their distant homes.

"Of course, you needn't attempt to report the speeches, or anything like that, but it's rather clear to me that you have a right to tell Belle the exact news so far as it affects you and therefore her." "Thank you." Dave drew out stationery, picked up a pen and began to write. Dalzell returned to his text-book.

"It's probably a dressmaker's advertisement," she answered, and went on with the pretence of eating her breakfast. "Or an invitation to dine with Mrs. Simpson," he suggested, laughingly, as he rose. "It's just the stationery she would choose." Honora dropped her spoon in her egg-cup.

He cannot travel elsewhere to dispose of what he has. The buyer is ignorant. He does not know where to go, or cannot go, at first-hand, for the shoes, the hat, the reaper, the bricks, the lumber, the stationery which he must use. There appears upon the scene the man of observation, of investigation, of capital, of shrewdness, of resources.

"Here's the umbrella I thought I bought for Tom," growled Reddy, as he ripped off the simple inscription, "To Hippy, with love, Reddy." "Yes, and here is the monogrammed stationery I ordered made for Jessica," added Nora, glaring at the stout young man, who smiled blithely in return as one who had received an especial favor. "You are holding on to two of my presents, though," he reminded.

It was like that," I added, pointing to a block of memorandum forms that stood in his stationery case at the desk before him. "Just the same!" "I can't," said he. "But there's nothing unusual in that; some correspondent of mine might have handed it to him torn it off one of my letters, do you see? I've correspondents in a great many seaports and mercantile centres both here and in America."

Calico, mosquito netting, buttons, needles, thread, tape, ribbons, stationery, hooks and eyes, elastic, shoe laces, sewing silk, darning cotton, pins, skirt binding, and a few small frivolities in the way of neckwear, veils, and belts these formed Piper Tom's stock in trade.

"Ferdy," said I, "I'll talk with your father myself. But tell me, now, what makes you so happy to-day." "My father got a letter this morning," a mail had just arrived; it brought no smile or tear for me, no parallelogram of tragedy or comedy in stationery, "such a pleasant one, from my uncle Miguel, at Florence, in Italy, you know.