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It did seem strange to her that Ruth Henry should have decided in such a hurry to give a tea. There must be something behind it! Probably the girl was making a play for popularity, so that she might be elected to an office. "I'm not going. It's just at the time of hockey practice, and, of course, I couldn't miss that. Lily won't be there, either." "I'm sorry!" murmured Doris.

And a variety of other questions burst from the boys. "I will run down and get three or four hockey sticks, Mr. Purfleet," one of the elder boys said. "That will be the best plan, Mason. Quick, quick! There, do you see it moving, under the clothes?" There was certainly something wriggling, so there was a general movement back from the bed. "We had better hold the clothes down, Mr.

Britling, with an unwonted expression of anxiety, was presiding over the teas of the usual casual Sunday gathering.... The despatch was read aloud twice over. After that there was hockey and high spirits, and then Mr. Britling went up to his study to answer a letter from Mrs.

It was Larson who made the most furious charge upon Macnamara." "Of course it was," cried Patricia, indignantly. "Jumbo deserved all he got. Why, the way he mauled little Snoopy and Geordie Ross in the first part of the game was perfectly horrid. Don't you think so, Hugh?" "Oh, well, hockey is not tiddly-winks, you know, Patricia, and " "As if I didn't know that!" broke in the girl indignantly.

The game of shinney or "bandy" as it is called in England has been modified in this country by substituting a flat piece of rubber weighing a pound called a "puck" for the india rubber lacrosse ball, which weighs but four ounces. The best hockey sticks are made of Canadian rock elm.

There were hosts of other people present also; and already cars and conveyances of every description were arriving from Keyport, Allandale, Belleville, and such places, filled with eager enthusiasts, who loved a good hockey game above all sports, and would journey far afield in order to be present when one was to be played.

The recent football season and its triumphant ending were discussed, of course, and the prospects of the hockey team came in for its share. Sam, it appeared, was out for a place on the hockey squad. "You must see some of the games, Mary," he said. "I'll get tickets for you and Cousin Emily. You're crazy about sports, aren't you, Cousin Emily." Mrs. Wyeth regarded him through her eyeglasses.

Judith did not join a hockey team, but Josephine was one of the Junior captains, and as she kept the crew of the "Jolly Susan" well informed as to the "points" of her team, Judith was an interested "fan" at all the matches. There were two cups given for the fancy skating and Judith and Nancy resolved to enter the competition.

Perchance we have heard of a boar in the sugar-cane, and away we go with beaters to rouse the grisly monster from his lair. In the afternoon there is hockey on horseback, or volunteer drill, with our gallant adjutant putting us through our evolutions. In the evening there is the usual drive, dinner, music, and the ordinary, and so the meet goes on.

"It would not be natural for growing boys, alive to their fingertips, to sit yapping like lazy collie dogs, just thinking," said the young doctor heatedly. "They want avenues of self-expression, and in lacrosse and hockey they find it."