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"No, Tom, I did not, nor do I know who did. Let's go into camp." They got up and walked briskly back, calling out to the Overlanders that they were coming. "He has gone," cried Grace as the two emerged into the clearing. "Tom, did you wing the critter?" demanded Hippy. "Hippy, did you fire those shots?" demanded Tom Gray, each asking his question at the same time.

Washington Washington, who had been silent all the way home, perhaps thinking over the narrow escape that he had had from rough handling, suddenly set up a wail and began to chatter so fast that they were unable to make a single thing of what he was saying. "Stop that!" commanded Hippy. "Have you gone crazy?" "Something is wrong here, darlin'. Don't scold the boy," begged Nora Wingate.

I am a marked man anyway," answered Hippy, shrugging his shoulders. "You will be marked in reality if those husky young mountaineers get after you. Please keep your seat and fade out of the picture," urged Grace. "You see " A voice to one side of her arrested Grace Harlowe's attention.

"If you will agree always to agree with me I will agree " "Thank you, but I can't imagine myself as ever being so foolish," interrupted Nora loftily. "She spoke the truth," said Hippy sadly. "We never can agree. It is better that we should part. Will you think of me, when I am gone? That is the burning question. Will you, won't you, can you, can't you remember me?"

"You are a mighty fortunate man, I should say," declared Hippy. "Think what the result would have been had that 'imponderable quantity' hit you fair and square. Why, it would have blown you to atoms molecules and " "Suppose we change the subject," suggested Grace Harlowe. "Show us your wares, won't you, Mr. Long?"

"I knew it," cried Emma Dean when she learned what had taken place. "I didn't con-centrate for nothing." "You what?" frowned Elfreda. "I have been con-centrating all night long con-centrating on Hippy to call him back to us." "Oh, you darlin'," cried Nora, throwing her arms about Emma. "I should advise you to continue to 'con-centrate," suggested Anne.

Elfreda wrote down his statement and made Peg swear to it, after Hippy had promised that, in the event of his recovery, there would be no prosecution.

They had dropped a little to the rear of the others. "I'm sorry, Tom," faltered Grace, "but I can't. I am fonder of you than any other man I know, but it is the fondness of long friendship. I'm not looking forward to marriage. It is my work that interests me most. I don't love you as Anne loves David, and Jessica and Nora love Reddy and Hippy. I don't believe I know what love means.

"Just the same, it takes an outsider to show the Oakdalites a few things," warmly accorded Hippy. "I am proud to claim you as a colleague, Elfreda. Some day we may yet grapple together with the intricacies of the law. 'Wingate and Briggs, Lawyer and Lawyeress. Daring Deeds Perpetrated While You Wait, would look nice on a sign."

"Ah found dis on de saddle," he announced, holding out an envelope to Grace. She took it wonderingly. "What's this? The rural free delivery man here so early in the morning!" questioned Emma. "This is addressed to you, Lieutenant," said Grace, handing the envelope to Lieutenant Wingate. Hippy read it and a frown grew on his face, deepening as he read it a second time.