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He explained that he thought it would be a winter's work for Miss Salome to imitate it, and that she would succour half-a-dozen families with the proceeds; and Mrs. Ponsonby was pleased to hear him speak so affectionately of the two old maiden sisters. They were the nieces of an old gentleman to whom the central and handsomest house of Dynevor Terrace had been let.

Everybody noticed the luxury of new dresses on the nieces and the new suits on the children. Everybody knew the feeling which led to these extravagances. Death, after all, was a majestic visitor, and money was not to stand in the way of a decent showing.

Looking back over the period covered by these reminiscences, I realize that there is truth in the grave charge that I am no longer young; and this truth was once voiced by one of my little nieces in a way that brought it strongly home to me.

Got to go down to Thirty Acre Corner: got to get out the reaping machine a' wants oiling, a' reckon; got some new hurdles coming; 'spects a chap to call about them lambs; a farmer can always find a score of reasons for doing nothing. 'All rubbish! cried Cicely, smiling. 'Nieces be main peart now-a-days, said he, shutting one eye and keeping it closed, as much as to say I won't be driven.

It is worthy of mention, as illustrating the administration of Justice in Rome, that even with these proofs of the invalidity of the will produced as that of Vitelli, his nieces were never able to recover the whole of his property. They were compelled to make terms with Grossi, the defunct Prelate's natural son, who to this day remains in the enjoyment of one-half of Vitelli's property!

Below, somewhat portly and constrained in his black coat and high collar, the bridegroom marched with agitation back and forth in the corridor, clasping and unclasping his hands in their gray suède gloves. The Paris train was due. Relatives and friends began to arrive; and little nieces and nephews, all in their best clothes. Noyon had not seen anything so gay in years.

But that year they were all scattered, and one of the nieces offered to lend us her cottage if we'd relieve her of duty for two months.

"Much nearer, monseigneur; his majesty must by this time have arrived at Meung." "Does the court accompany him?" "Yes, monseigneur." "A propos, I forgot to ask you after M. le Cardinal." "His eminence appears to enjoy good health, monseigneur." "His nieces accompany him, no doubt?" "No, monseigneur, his eminence has ordered the Mesdemoiselles de Mancini to set out for Brouage.

A couple of months on the farm will do all of my nieces good. Beth is still with Louise, you know, and they must find the city deadly dull, just now. The farm's the thing. And the Major can run up to see us for a couple of weeks in the hot weather, and we'll all have a glorious, lazy time." "And we can take Mary along to do the cooking," suggested Patsy, entering into the idea enthusiastically.

There were big rabbits and little rabbits; lean ones and fat ones; comical little youngsters who played pranks upon their elders, and staid, serious old ones who never laughed or smiled the livelong day; boy rabbits and girl rabbits, mother rabbits and father rabbits, and goodness knows how many aunts, uncles, nephews, nieces, cousins, second cousins and distant relatives-in-law!