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"It was very thoughtless of Philip to visit Mignet," objected the duke. "He too often forgets his rank and relationship to the king." "Forgive him, monseigneur. He forgot his station, to remember his filial affection," and for several moments the mother's eyes were fondly fixed upon the portrait.

Although dedicated in its first form to a powerful patron, Monseigneur Marbeuf, then Bishop of Sens, like many works from the pen of genius it remained at the author's death in manuscript. The book was of moderate size, and of moderate merit. Its form, repeatedly changed from motives of expediency, was at first that of letters addressed to the Abbé Raynal.

"And who charges me with this, monseigneur?" said d'Artagnan, who had no doubt the accusation came from Milady, "a woman branded by the justice of the country; a woman who has espoused one man in France and another in England; a woman who poisoned her second husband and who attempted both to poison and assassinate me!"

When I arrived at Versailles, I wrote to M. de Beauvilliers at Meudon praying him to apprise the King that I had returned on account of the illness of Monseigneur, and that I would have gone to see him, but that, never having had the small-pox, I was included in the prohibition.

"Oh, you fool!" said he at last, "you do not understand, then." "That arises evidently, Monseigneur, from your Excellency's imperfect explanations!" Upon which he explained that he was speaking of a new carriage which had come from Paris that very day, a fact of which I was entirely ignorant.

That speech exactly hits him off, a portrait sketched by no other brush than that of his royal father. Monseigneur, who does not like me, pays me court the same as any one else. Being very jealous of the pretty Comte de Vermandois and his brother, the Duc du Maine, he tries to imitate their elegant manner, but is too stiff to succeed.

The painter said: "How would you set about making a chandelier?" The other, surprised, asked: "What chandelier?" "Why, a chandelier to light the room a chandelier with wax-candles." The notary did not understand. He answered: "I don't know." The painter began to jump about, cracking his fingers. "Well, monseigneur, I have found out a way."

She bowed to her guests, gave an arm to each of the doctors, and walked toward the chateau feebly and slowly, with a difficulty which told only too plainly of the coming catastrophe. "Monsieur Bonnet," said the archbishop, looking at the rector, "you have accomplished a miracle." "Not I, but God, Monseigneur," he replied.

They reached such a point, indeed, that the King, not daring to complain publicly against the Prince de Conti, who hated Vendome, for speaking in favour of Monseigneur de Bourgogne, reprimanded him sharply in reality for having done so, but ostensibly because he had talked about the affairs of Flanders at his sister's.

"Yes, monseigneur, I do, upon my honor." "Upon your honor ah! that is quite another thing! So I am to be arrested in my own house." "Do not say such a thing." "On the contrary, I will proclaim it aloud." "If you do so, I shall be compelled to request you to be silent." "Very good! Violence towards me, and in my own house, too." "We do not seem to understand one another at all.