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In the morning take vinegar sufficient for covering the quantity prepared, mixed spices and sugar according to taste. Put on to cook and when boiling put in the cucumbers and cook for thirty minutes. Delightful as a relish, and can be kept for a long time if put in airtight jars. Pears should always be peeled for pickling. If large cut them in half and leave the stems on.

Then as Saveria, turning, bade them hurry on, Eliza caught Panoria's hand, and ran toward the nurse; but as she did so, she said to Panoria, boastingly and rashly, "Come into our house! If I do not eat some of those very pears out of that very basket of our uncle the canon's, then you may call me a coward, Panoria!" "Would you then dare?" cried Panoria. "I'll not believe it unless I see you."

Whittier said he did not know; he 'could believe anything of that bird. Charlie's favorite amusement was shaking the unripe pears from the trees in the garden; and when he saw Miss Whittier approaching, he would steal away with drooping head, like a child caught in a naughty action.

You must remember him, his name was Jorg, and he had stiff, black hair. He always pelted us with something whenever he got a chance, with green apples or pears, and in winter with snow-balls, and always called us 'aristocrats." "Oh, that fellow!" cried Max. "Yes; now I do remember all about him. Certainly he always called us 'aristocrats. I wonder how he got hold of that word.

The almonds had bloomed and the blossoms fallen; the apricots also, and the peaches and pears; on all the orchards of these fruits had come a filmy tint of green, so light it was hardly more than a shadow on the gray. The willows were vivid light green, and the orange groves dark and glossy like laurel.

Frisbie to go and take two inside places and four outside places in the stage-coach as leaves this mornin' for Ban. 'Ban, 'Ban'; 'pears like it's been all ban and no blessin' ever since we done lef' Tanglewood." Lady Vincent did not think it worth while to correct Katie. She knew by experience that all attempts to set her right would be lost labor.

"Blamed if I can tell 'e till I gather my wits together. 'Pears half a century or so since I comed; yet ban't above two hour agone." "You didn't come to see Sam Bonus, I suppose?" "No fay! Never a man farther from my thought than him when I seed un poke up his carrot head under the moon. I was 'pon my awn affairs an' comed to see you.

On all the farms were fine orchards of apples, plums, pears, cherries and quinces, among which stood long rows of beehives with their wealth of honey. Here Daniel, father of Susan B. Anthony, grew to manhood in the midst of comfort and abundance and in an atmosphere of harmony and love.

As Israel walked this slippery floor, his unaccustomed feet slid about very strangely as if walking on ice, so that he came very near falling. "'Pears to me you have rather high heels to your boots," said the grave man of utility, looking sharply down through his spectacles; "don't you know that it's both wasting leather and endangering your limbs, to wear such high heels?

Wal, now, 'pears likely they'd eat you out of house and home. I never see a boy yet that couldn't go through a tenpenny nail, easy as not." "We ARE always hungry, I believe," said Fred. "Allers, allers that's a fact," picking out the best apples as he spoke and heaping up the measure. "There, now if you'll find a better lot than that, for the money, you are welcome to it, that's all."