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It just chanced if there be such a thing as chance to happen on the day when the girl's craving for a change had become an obsession, almost an illness. It was a little past noon, and the seniors in Mantles had gone out to lunch. They were rather by way of being aristocrats, these seniors, for the mantle department, Jewellery, and some others worked "on commission."

But many modern adventuresses have been able to bamboozle the mighty. Madame Humbert of Paris, in whose imagination were "The Humbert Millions," used to entertain Ministers of State, aristocrats, financiers, and others of lower degree, and show them the sealed-up safe in which she declared reposed millions' worth of negotiable securities which might not see the light of day until a certain date.

It was necessary, however, to employ the binoculars in the rather close watch that was kept by the interested aristocrats below. From time to time the grey, blue or white-clad figure of the Enemy could be seen directing the operations of the natives who were engaged in rehabilitating Wyckholme's "nest." The château was now under the very eye of the Enemy. "You're wanted at the 'phone, Mr.

"Monsieur Louvier, in all France I do not know a greater aristocrat than yourself." I don't know whether M. Gandrin meant that speech as a compliment, but M. Louvier took it as such, laughed complacently and rubbed his hands. "Ay, ay, millionnaires are the real aristocrats, for they have power, as my beau Marquis will soon find. I must bid you good night.

When gold and slaves rendered maritime discovery profitable to the aristocratic class, all the nobles went into it not only the aristocrats of Portugal, but those also of Spain, England, France, Holland, Italy.

"I do not think it is very dangerous at present, mademoiselle, although it may be later, if this rage against the aristocrats increases; but I hope that when he has once seen you, which is his principal object in returning to Paris, he will carry our his father's wishes and make for the frontier, for his presence here can be of no possible utility."

"We will have a vocabularium apostolicum, and I will start it with four words: 'pampered aristocrats, 'resident gentlemen, 'smug parsons, and 'pauperes Christi'. I shall use the first on all occasions; it seems to me just to hit the thing."

Exactly forty-eight hours before each Fourth of July, the dog left our house on a run and hid himself in the Bronx woods. The day after the Fourth he turned up at home as regular as clockwork. He must have known what a dog is up against on the Fourth. Anyhow, he kept out of the way. The name-parted-in-the-middle aristocrats act in just the same way.

She had never realized the difference betwixt them and herself, save in so far as she thought them useless butterflies, worth nothing at all, and laughed as she triumphantly remembered how she could shoot a man and break in a colt. Now, for the first time, the sight of one of those aristocrats smote her with a keen, hot sting of heart-burning jealousy.

First, he is the encourager of the Young England party, for, conceiving himself child of a race of aristocrats whose mission is to civilize the world, he feels the duty of guidance to which these young English squires and nobles are born.