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Nothing disturbed the calm surface of the water. The reach was lonely of rowers. Out by the farther bank a girl was poling a punt along, and her white-clad figure was the only living thing that moved upon the river within the range of the most expert knife-thrower. To say that I was nonplused is to say less than the truth; I was amazed.

They had taken but a few steps when Lady Nora, noticing the cardinal's limp, drew his arm through her own and supported him. "I know the whole story," she whispered. "You loved my grandmother." "Yes," said the cardinal, "but I was unworthy." They had their tea, two white-clad stewards serving them. The cardinal took a second cup and then rose and went to the side.

The Stars and Stripes flew from the flagstaff at the stern; white-clad men swarmed about her decks, and one of them, on the forward bridge, close to a group of officers, was waving by its staff a small red-and-white flag.

The doorway, dimly lighted by an invisible lamp from within, was now near by; and John Woolfolk saw a shape cross it, so swiftly furtive that it was gone before he realized that a man had vanished into the hall. There was a second stir on the small covered portico, and the slender, white-clad figure of a woman moved uncertainly forward.

Jarvis?" The abrupt question coming after the vague memories startled Mabel into sudden rigidness. "I suppose I do," she answered, her white-clad figure mocked her from the glass. "One does love one's husband, doesn't one?" "Mabel" Mrs. Grant's voice sounded righteous indignation "you do say such extraordinary things sometimes and about such solemn subjects.

Again Doodles sang. At the end he waited, wondering if he were to keep on. A white-clad young woman came out of the room, smiling to him under her pretty white cap. "Mr. Randolph would like to have you sing some more," she said.

Later, during a storm at sea he is saved by a stone, on which he is brought to land, whence he is carried by an eagle back to Jerusalem. There a white-clad man appears to him, explaining that he is the ghost of the dead, and that he has already appeared as stone and eagle. The spirit further promises the hero a reward for his good deed in the present and in the future life."

He had never seen it in midwinter, but the snow, the misty vapors drifting along the mountain sides, did not confuse him. From the float he now perceived two openings in the mountain chain. The lesser, coming in from the northwest, was little more than a deep and narrow gash in the white-clad hills. On his right opened the broader valley of the Toba River, up which he must go.

Our army is massed and entrenched along the south bank of the Susquehanna and, mark my words, the Germans will never pass that line." As these patriotic words rang out the thousand white-clad singers rose and lifted their voices in "The Star Spangled Banner," dearest of patriotic hymns in Baltimore because it was a Baltimore man, Francis Scott Key, who wrote it.

"Mary ?" he answered her quickly. He raised his eyes to where his wife-to-be, in a startled group of white-clad attendants, was standing halfway down the stairway.