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The following morning Mr. Holloway was the first to arise. While making the camp-fire, he called to the others to get up, saying cheerfully: "Well, we've got through one more night without a call from the Redskins." "Bang, bang," rang out a volley of rifle shots, fired from the willows along the river, less than a hundred yards away. Mr.

"Och, an' shure I'm aloive, that same. But I'm more than half did, for all that; an' nearly drownded to boot. Arrah, boys! rache me a hand, an' pull me out for I can't move meself one of my legs is broke." We all three rushed down to the water whence the voice appeared to come. Under the drooping willows, where the current had undermined the bank, we perceived an object in motion.

"And are you sure they didn't get out of that pasture and wander on down the Cove, among all those willows? It's a perfect jungle, away down. Are you sure they aren't with the rest of the cattle? I don't see how they could leave the Cove, unless they were driven out." She caught a twinkle of amusement in his eyes and stopped short.

"The river must be over there, hidden by those willows," said Lindsay. "I hope we shan't meet a bull," said Cicely, looking nervously at a group of cattle in the distance. "Oh, come along! You're surely not afraid of cows!" They had soon crossed the field and reached the shade of the willows by the water's edge. The low bank was covered with reeds and rushes.

I now got back to the perogue as well as I could and prepared my self with a pistol my rifle and air-gun being determined as a retreat was impracticable to sell my life as deerly as possible. in this state of anxiety and suspense remained about 20 minutes when the party returned with Cruzatte and reported that there were no indians nor the appearance of any; Cruzatte seemed much allarmed and declared if he had shot me it was not his intention, that he had shot an Elk in the willows after he left or seperated from me.

Not waiting for orders, a dozen punchers instantly gave chase. The rest of the party followed. Houck was in the lead. Not far behind was Bob Dillon. The mesa bench dropped sharply down a bare shale scarp to the willows growing near the river. The Indian camp below could be seen from the edge of the bluff.

This part of the river was familiar to the lovers; they had often come here in search of coolness on warm July nights; they had spent hours hidden among the clusters of willows on the right bank, at the spot where the meadows of Sainte-Claire spread their verdant carpet to the waterside.

When night came on, however, as he had worked all day, and slept none the night before, he resolved to turn aside into a bunch of willows to take a few hours' rest. But he had not stopped more than forty minutes when he heard some Indians pull to the shore just above him on the same side of the river. He immediately loosened his canoe from its moorings, and glided silently away.

It's not liberty but license!" He reached the count's big pond; it looked dark blue and frowning under the cloud, and a smell of damp and slime rose from it. Near the dam, two willows, one old and one young, drooped tenderly towards one another.

He is the latest of all the trees. The young, tender leaves scent almost as sweetly as the verbena in the greenhouse. It is curious that ash trees, when they are close to a river, hang their branches down towards the water like the "weeping willows."