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Dey wuz knocked out to ole marster dough, an' den dey hed a big lawsuit, an' ole marster wuz agwine to co't, off an' on, fur some years, till at lars' de co't decided dat M'ria belonged to ole marster. Ole Cun'l Chahmb'lin den wuz so mad he sued ole marster for a little strip o' lan' down dyah on de line fence, whar he said belonged to 'im. Ev'ybody knowed hit belonged to ole marster.

This was said in order to quell any suspicion or doubt that might have entered his head. "Dat he is; but he'd better keep away from me, if he doesn't want his picter sp'iled," returned the negro. "What were you abusing him for, a few minutes ago, when he brought your food?" "Well, you see, he's afraid I's agwine to hurt him, and begun to beg off.

"Now, den," said Uncle Remus, with unusual gravity, as soon as the little boy, by taking his seat, announced that he was ready for the evening's entertainment to begin; "now, den, dish yer tale w'at I'm agwine ter gin you is de las' row er stumps, sho. Dish yer's whar ole Brer Fox los' his breff, en he ain't fine it no mo' down ter dis day."

No longer preserving his statue-like pose, his body began to sway from side to side; while at intervals, he stamped the ground with his heavy heel. From the increasing anger that betrayed itself in his looks, I expected an explosion. It came at length. "Durn them buzzarts!" cried he, with a hurried gesture, "thar agwine to keep us stannin' hyur till sundown.

"But I ain't holdin' no grudge agin you-uns now 'bout thet dawg. Reckons it's better the critter's got his, 'cause the missus sez as how he acted like he wos agwine mad," expostulated the man; but there was a gleam in his eyes that Thad did not like, and he would not take chances. "All right, if that's the case; but all the same you threatened me, and I'm not going to trust you close.

"You you white trash!" cried Mammy, bursting with indignation. "Who is you to come heah 'quiring fo' her! I ain't agwine " "Mammy!" "Yas'm! Yas, Miss Jinny." Mammy backed out of the door and clutched at her bandanna. "Mammy, what is all this noise about?" The torrent was loosed once more. "These heah men, Miss Jinny, was gwine f'r t' carry away all yo' pa's blongin's.

One stevedore, to whom the Atlantic voyage had been a test, exclaimed: "Mah goodness! Ah never knew dere was so much water between dem tew countries! Dere ain't enuf scenery for me, no sah, an' if de United States don't build a bridge across dat dere Atlantic, Ah's agwine to be a Frenchman for life."

In a moment, however, Zeb's voice was audible. "Bless yer, you're de all-firedest fools I eber see'd. How does you s'pects I's gwine to light on toder side. Ef one of you'll take me on your back, I won't mind lettin' you try to carry me over; but I tells you I ain't agwine to try it. So you can shut up yer rat-traps."

Bentley, "I have brought home a gentleman for supper." "Yassah, Misteh Ho'ace. I was jest agwine to open up de blin's." He lifted the wire screens and flung back the shutters, beamed on the rector as he relieved him of his hat, and noiselessly retired.

Have they killed many of the men or got hold of the women and children?" asked Lawrence, anxiously. "Yes, dey's kill a few ob de men, but not many, for some hab got into de huts, an' some into de corral, an' dey'll fight to de last. De savages am holdin' a palaver jist now see, dey's agwine to begin again. Screw your head roun' to de right an' you see."