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He felt suddenly very weary of Stuhk. "Nothing the matter, Gideon, is there? Not feeling sick or anything?" "No, Misteh Stuhk; no, seh. Jes don' feel extry pert, that's all." "But what is it anything bothering you?" Gideon sat gloomily before his mirror. "Misteh Stuhk," he said at last, "I been steddyin' it oveh, and I about come to the delusion that I needs a good po'k-chop.

"He is Misteh John Winton, as you informed me just now; one of the brainiest constructing engineers in this entiah country, and the hardest man in this or any otheh country to down in a right-of-way fight that's who he is. And it's not what he's done, my deah Virginia, it's what he is going to do. If I can't get him killed up out of ouh way," but here Mr.

Aunt Fanny came back a few minutes later with the assurance that they were roasting goat meat. The skin of the midnight visitor was stretched upon the ground not far away. "And how is he?" asked Beverly, jamming a hat pin through a helpless bunch of violets. "He's ve'y 'spectably skun, yo' highness." "I don't mean the animal, stupid." "Yo' mean 'at Misteh Goat man?

When he lef, he say, 'Tel Mis' Virginia, if I don't come back, I'se done goin' to be with Misteh Thaine an' take care of him, 'cause I love the boy, hit cain't do no hahm to tell you that while Misteh Horace still writen to us. An' didn't he tak' care of Misteh Thaine?

"Hold on, men, for God's sake! There are women in that car!" The wrathful wave broke and eddied murmurous while a square-shouldered old man with fierce eyes and huge white mustaches, and with an extinct cigar between his teeth, clambered down from the Rosemary's engine to say: "Hah! a ratheh close connection, eh, Misteh Winton? Faveh me with a match, if you please, seh.

"Just now he is trespassing, and directing others to trespass, upon private property. Do you see that dump up there on the mountain? the hole that looks like a mouth with a long gray beard hanging below it? That is a mine, and its claim runs down across the track where Misteh Winton is just now spiking his rails."

In the morning, when in his working-clothes, he had met a friend "Hello, Pete!" "Hello, Henry!" Now, in his effulgence, he encountered this same friend. His bow was not at all haughty. If it expressed anything, it expressed consummate generosity "Good-evenin', Misteh Washington."

And I'm not sure that he can do it, either. He's too disgustingly poor." "Wha's became o' dat Misteh Baldos, Miss Bev'ly?" asked Aunt Fanny in the midst of these sorry cogitations. "Has he tuck hit int' his haid to desert us fo' good? Seems to me he'd oughteh " "Now, that will do, Aunt Fanny," reprimanded her mistress sternly. "You are not supposed to know anything about affairs of state.

"Yes, seh, I's had champagne, and it's a nice kind of lickeh sho enough; but, Misteh Stuhk, seh, I don' want any of them high-tone drinks to-night, an' ef yo' don' mind, I'd rather amble off 'lone, or mebbe eat that po'k-chop with some otheh cullud man, ef I kin fin' one that ain' one of them no-'count Carolina niggers. Do you s'pose yo' could let me have a little money to-night, Misteh Stuhk?"

Ephum put down the duster, peered out of the door of the private office, and closed it softly. "Marse Comyn?" "Yes?" "Marse Comyn, I ain't got no use fo' dat Misteh Hoppa', Ise kinder sup'stitious 'bout him, Marsa." The Colonel put down his newspaper. "Has he treated you badly, Ephum?" he asked quietly. The faithful negro saw another question in his master's face.