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The crowd pressed up closer and stared at him as he stood frozen rigid with embarrassment, his cardboard face still hungry and sardonic, regarding the ominous Jumbo. "You-all bettah speak up!" said Jumbo slowly, "this yeah's a mighty serous mattah. Outside mah duties at this club ah happens to be a sho-nuff minister in the Firs' Cullud Baptis' Church.

I 'member Mis Nancy an' white folks 'ud set out thar of an evenin' an' mek us li'l cullud chullun dance an' sing an' cut capers fer to 'muse 'em. Den dey had a trough, built 'bout lak a pig trough, an' dey would mek de cook bake a gre't big slab er co'n bread an' put hit in de trough an' po' milk or lasses over hit, an' tu'n us li'l cullud chullun loose on hit.

"I'm looking for my wife and child, Josh. They're somewhere in this den of murderers. Have any of you seen them?" No one had seen them. "You men are running a great risk," said Miller. "You are rushing on to certain death." "Well, suh, maybe we is; but we're gwine ter die fightin'. Dey say de w'ite folks is gwine ter bu'n all de cullud schools an' chu'ches, an' kill all de niggers dey kin ketch.

I set de bahsket in de boat an' stood waitin' fo' my money. "You ain't finished yo' job yit, dey say. 'Git yo'se'f in dat boat an' put dat stuff on be'd. "W'en I gits on deck a cullud boy 'bout my size say 'Wanna look about a bit? So I foller him below an' fo' I knowed it, I feel de boat kinda shakin. I run to a porthole an' look out. Dere was Key West too far away to swim back to.

Silently he slipped down the path by which he had so recently ascended, and, at a good distance from the cabin, but still well in advance of the unhappy negro, hid behind a rock, awaiting his approach. Old Neb, advancing, scared tremendously, was talking to himself in a loud, excited voice. "Oh, golly!" he exclaimed. "Dis am a pretty fix for a bluegrass cullud gemman!

"Yes, seh, I's had champagne, and it's a nice kind of lickeh sho enough; but, Misteh Stuhk, seh, I don' want any of them high-tone drinks to-night, an' ef yo' don' mind, I'd rather amble off 'lone, or mebbe eat that po'k-chop with some otheh cullud man, ef I kin fin' one that ain' one of them no-'count Carolina niggers. Do you s'pose yo' could let me have a little money to-night, Misteh Stuhk?"

It were on a Sund'y when all de killin' happened I mean, de windin'-up killin'. I were dere 'fore a gun were fired. I were dere when de firs' man were wounded. "'De cullud people had gathered in DeKalb at de Methodis' Church. Dey hadn' a gun fired yet. Mr. Henry Gully goes to de cullud people's church. He walked in at de front door an' took his hat off his head.

"Be faithful to them and you shall have more 'Linkum money, as you call it. Keep it, for your money down here won't be worth much soon." "Dat's shoah. De cullud people bain't all prayin' for Linkum for notten." "Good-by. Do as I say and you shall be taken care of some day. Say nothing about this." "Mum's de word all roun' ter-night, mas'r." "Huey, are you ready?" "I is, mas'r."

Where is my child?" "Dey went over ter see Mis' Butler 'long 'bout two o'clock, befo' dis fuss broke out, suh. Oh, Lawdy, Lawdy, suh! Is all de cullud folks be'n killt 'cep'n' me an' you, suh? Fer de Lawd's sake, suh, you won' let 'em kill me, will you, suh? I'll wuk fer you fer nuthin', suh, all my bawn days, ef you'll save my life, suh!" "Calm yourself, Sally.

Immejutly on my 'rival here I perceeded to the Spotswood House, and callin' to my assistans a young man from our town who writes a good runnin' hand, I put my ortograph on the Register, and handin' my umbrella to a baldheded man behind the counter, who I s'posed was Mr. Spotswood, I said, "Spotsy, how does she run?" He called a cullud purson, and said,