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Oh, I've got a temper, a peach of a temper. I get scared of myself sometimes. I used to be always breakin' loose. But the fightin' taught me to keep down the steam an' not do things I'd be sorry for afterward." "Why, you're the sweetest, easiest tempered man I know," she interjected. "Don't you believe it.

"Yes, but he never told me about any one named Ferus; there's no such person named in Anthon's Classical Dictionary, either. What sort of a man was he?" "Why, once there was a man, an' his name was Ferus Offerus, an' he went about fightin' for kings, but when any king got afraid of anybody, he wouldn't fight for him no more. An' one day he couldn't find no kings that wasn't afraid of nobody.

The sheriff whistled. "Shooting-scrapes come high." "Oh, I ain't sore at him. What makes me sore is this here law that sticks a fella up and takes his money makin' him pay for somethin' he never done. A poor man would have a fine chance, fightin' a rich man in court, now, wouldn't he?" "There's something in that. The Law, as it stands, is all right." "Mebby.

And when THEY went home for the night, the Faithers would smash all the bottles. Finally they got so busy fightin' 'mong themselves that Betsy see she was gettin' no better fast, and sent for the reg'lar doctor. HE done the curin', and got the pay. "'Well, says I, 'what of it? "'Nothin', says he. 'Only I've been practisin' a considerable spell. So long.

"Yes," he answered in a quiet tone of approval. "Nice little run! Nice little run! Bit of a hurry, I guess," he ventured apologetically. "You bet your life, we just are. This damned war makes a man feel like as if the devil was after him," said Duff. "War!" The man looked blankly at him. "Who's fightin'?" "Why, haven't you heard? It's been going on for a month.

A man has to make a three-ringed circus of himself to keep his name before the public these days." "What are you fightin' for this time, sir?" asked the sailor, who had not heard that war had been declared "ile paintin's or pyramids?" "I am going to free the people of the East from the oppressor," said Napoleon, loftily. "And it's a noble work, your honor," said the sailor.

"Och! the blackguards have got howld of us. Be aisy, Muster Brixton. No use fightin'. Howld yer tongues, now, an' let me spake. Yer not half liars enough for the occasion, aither of ye." This compliment had barely been paid when they were surrounded and ordered to rise and give an account of themselves.

Oh, of course, I knew John McGuire had gone; but somehow I never thought of him as fightin' not with guns an' bloody gore, in spite of them letters of his. Some way, in my mind's eyes I always see him marchin' with flags flyin' an' folks cheerin'; an' I thought the war'd be over, anyhow, by the time he got there.

The last I saw of Joe he was braced up agin a rock fightin' like a wildcat. I tried to cut Jim loose as I was goin' by. I s'pect the wust fer the brothers an' the other lass." "Can we do nothing?" asked Mr. Wells. "Nothin'!" "Wetzel, has the capturing of James Downs any significance to you?" inquired Heckewelder. "I reckon so." "What?" "Pipe an' his white-redskin allies are agin Christianity."

I captures her easy, my crew bein' hungry, an' fightin according like. We steals the box a-hold-in' the jewels an' the bag containin' the millions, hustles back to our own ship, an' makes for our rondyvoo, me with two bullets in my leg, four o' my crew killed, and one engin' of my ship disabled by a shot but happy. Twelve an' a half millions at one break is enough to make anybody happy."