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The tears come in her eyes as she ast whar I'd git de money, seein' we was layin' up what come from de Norf for de chile. I'd done thought that out lyin' awake nights an' plannin' how to make her a lady. I'se bawn free, you know, an' freedom was sweet to me an' slavery sour, but for Miss Dory I'd do it, an' I said, "I'll sell myself to Mas'r Hardy, or some gemman like him."

"That 'ere gemman has a nice bit of blood," said the hostler, scratching his ear. "Oiy, who be he?" said a hanger-on of the stables. "I dooan't know. He has been here twice afoar, and he never cautches anything to sinnify he be mighty fond of fishing, surely." Meanwhile, away sped the banker milestone on milestone glided by and still, scarce turning a hair, trotted gallantly out the good hackney.

"Why, sure 'twas Joe Punchard," cries Cludde, "a fellow that near killed a friend o' mine," and he breaks into the old School distich "O, pi, rho, bandy-legged Joe, Turnip and carrots wherever you go." and the others screamed with maudlin laughter. "I know who was the gemman," whispers Mistress Appleby, who had heard it all.

Pepper's old nag Pepper-Caster as we call him, since he threw the old gemman, the morning they met at the 'Leg-of-Mutton' at Ashtead. But he's good for nothing. Bless ye! his tail shakes for all the world like a pepper-box afore he's gone half a mile.

Gang-master Scipio plainly didn't like the job, but he liked it better than he did the idea of being discharged. So he spoke to four Italians about him, and the five surrounded the man. "Hol' on dar, Boss Reade!" spoke up a negro. "Ef yo' carry dis matter too far, den dere's gwine to be a strike on dis wohk. Jess ez dis gemman sez, we ain't no slaves.

The bearer of this flag was no less a personage than the notorious Mr. JOHN CASTLES, a gemman that I had never seen before. I soon found that it was impossible to address such an immense multitude from such a situation as that of the top of a coach, and as the wind blew very sharp, our birth was a very disagreeable one.

I ain't forgot how she sold my mother from me. Many a night I have cried myself to sleep, thinking about her, and when I get free I mean to hunt her up." "Well, I ain't tole you all. De gemman said he war 'cruiting for de army; dat Massa Linkum hab set us all free, an' dat he wanted some more sogers to put down dem Secesh; dat we should all hab our freedom, our wages, an' some kind ob money.

Her terror was very real, and Marcus was called in to oust the intruder. "It must be a sneak-thief," said Miss Fenler. "It am a sneak-thief," said Marcus, appearing with the small dog in his arms. "He stole a slipper, an den sneaked under der bed ter chew on it. Sure, he am a sneak-thief, but I knows a cullud gemman what wants a dog, an' I guess he's 'bout the right size.

"'Case thar's a gemman hyar an' you draps yer vittles so," Mandy Ann said in a whisper, with her lips close to the old woman's ear. "Gentleman? Who's he? Whar's he from?" the old woman asked forgetting that she had spoken to him. "I told you oncet he's Miss Dory's frien' an' from de Norf. Do be quiet," Mandy Ann blew into the deaf ears. "From the Nawth.

'The Gypsy gentleman, exclaimed a fourth, drinking. And then they all sang in chorus: 'Here the Gypsy gemman see, With his Roman jib and his rome and dree Rome and dree, rum and dry Rally round the Rommany Rye. 'And now, brother, said Mr. Petulengro, 'seeing that you have drunk and been drunken, you will perhaps tell us where you have been, and what about?