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All one's political economy is very well in its way; but the practical master of the situation is Pi, sitting autocratically in many-headed judgment on our poor solitary little individualities, and crushing us irretrievably with the dead weight of its inexorable cumulative nothingness.

This led to the ultimate disclosure of the fact that two fraternities, Chi Psi and Beta Theta Pi, had been established in the University for at least a year, in direct violation of a regulation known as Rule 20, apparently in force for some time, which provided that: No student shall be or become a member of any society connected with the University which has not first submitted its Constitution to the Faculty and received their approval.

The "pi," a mere chaos, is afterwards sorted and distributed, preparatory to being built up into fresh combinations. "A distinguished American friend," says Mr. Froude, "describes Democracy as making pi." It is so witty a sarcasm that I almost think Mr. Froude manufactured it himself.

That handsome new type would all be a mess of pi, then somebody would be obliged to come to their terms or St. Cloud would be without a paper.

"Ho!" exclaimed the people of this round village of teepees, "Who are these little ones? What do they seek?" Neither of the warriors carried weapons with them, and their unimposing stature misled the curious people. The Fish was spokesman. With a peculiar omission of syllables, he said: "Shu... hi pi!" "Wan! what? what?" clamored eager voices of men and women. Again the Fish said: "Shu... hi pi!"

I could hardly refuse it, however, and he came along in excellent spirits, having effected the demolition of British social ideals, root and branch. His mongrel dog accompanied, keeping offensively near our heels. It was not even an honest pi, but a dog of tawdry pretensions with a banner-like tail dishonestly got from a spaniel. On one occasion I very nearly kicked the dog.

Below lay the modern red houses of Terreno, and beyond, at the end of the cape, the ancient Puerto Pi with its signal towers and the batteries of Don Carlos. Across the bay, losing itself in the sea, amid the fog floating upon the horizon, was a dark green cape with reddish rocks, gloomy and desolate.

A glow shone in the cheeks of the spokesman a clean- looking youth with black curly hair and round pink and white cheeks, the son of a Presbyterian minister from Iowa. "You have been picked by our fellows to be one of us," said the spokesman. "We want you to become an Alpha Beta Pi. It is a grand fraternity with chapters in the best schools in the country. Let me tell you."

Well, we have been making this "pi" for a hundred years; it seems to be a national dish in considerable favor with the rest of the world even such ancient nations as China and Japan want a piece of it.

It was Mehronay who took a galley of pi which the office devil had set up from a wrecked form, and interspersed up and down the column of meaningless letters "Great applause" "Tremendous cheering" Cries of "Good, good! that's the way to hit 'em!" "Hurrah for Hancock" and ran it in the paper as a report of Carl Schurz's speech to the German-American League at the court-house.