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He would have done the same under the same circumstances himself, played the game to its bitter end without a cry. But Donald MacRae had made a long, hard fight only to lose in the end, and his son, with full knowledge of the loneliness and discouragement and final hopelessness that had been his father's lot, was passing slowly from sadness to a cumulative anger.

This perfection of phrase, this neatness, is an essential of wit, because its effect must be instantaneous; whereas humor is often diffuse and roundabout, and its impression cumulative, like the poison of arsenic. As Galiani said of Nature that her dice were always loaded, so the wit must throw sixes every time.

But it is only an episode; and it is an episode of an episode, that of the Californian gold-fever. The story of the Argonauts is only one story, after all, and these tales of Harte's are but so many facets of the same gem. They are not, however, like chapters in a romance; there is no such vital connection between them as develops a cumulative force.

If in our daily life the phrase 'the goodness of God' is to have a deepening and cumulative significance, it must be informed and vitalized continually by an alert and responsive recognition of the forms in which that goodness is ever freshly manifested to us.

Considered by itself simply taken in the first degree this added provocation to which the artisan and the urban laboring classes are exposed may not very seriously decrease the amount of savings; but in its cumulative action, through raising the standard of decent expenditure, its deterrent effect on the tendency to save cannot but be very great.

It would be impossible to convey by citation the cumulative effect of this constant reference in Plato to a human background; but a single excerpt may perhaps help us to realise the conditions under which Socrates lived and worked.

They were plotting as I left to capture "that nigger," as they called him, and put him to death by slow torture. But I was now shrewd enough to suspect that I might still be far from the western frontier of America. The evidence had been cumulative but was no longer questionable. I mean to say, one might do here somewhat after the way of our own people at a country house in the shires.

Gollinger, with cumulative rapture "now that you are about to show, by appearing at the ceremony to-day, that there has been no break in your friendly relations, the dear Bishop's happiness will be complete. He was so longing to have you come to the unveiling!" "He might have counted on me," said Mrs. Fetherel, still smiling. "Ah, that is so beautifully forgiving of you!" cried Mrs.

Miss Alicia who had been weeping on Little Ann's shoulder almost on her lap lifted her head to listen. Hutchinson set his jaw and grunted, and Mr. Palford cleared his throat mechanically. "He said," and no one better than herself realized how ominously "cumulative" the words sounded, "that a man would know a face like that again wherever he saw it." "Wherever he saw it!" ejaculated Mr. Grimby.

We know that emotional characteristics, in common with all others, are hereditary; and the differences between civilized nations descended from the same stock, show us the cumulative results of small modifications hereditarily transmitted.