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Curly's sarcasm achieved the laugh intended, and, as a result of his satisfaction, he flung his last half-dollar on the dingy bar. "Make that into three drops of liver souse, an' hand us a smile, Ju. Your face is sure killin' trade." Ju rolled his cigar across his mouth under the curtain of moustache, lit it, and proceeded to push an uncorked bottle across to his customers.

His listener seemed to sense the situation clearly. "It wasn't no mistake, your goin' out there, sir," he said, confidently. "What we know now gives us something to work on anyhow, an' it's just what I thought that trip Sunday led up to this killin', an' something happened while they was in there to stir Miss Natalie all up. Now we got to find this fellow what did you say his name was, sir?"

"She's got Ike Brandon's letters, ain't she? He told her where it was, didn't he? What's she comin' to me fer? I don't know nothin'." "Were you here when my father was killed?" Solange asked, kindly. She felt sorry for the old fellow. "Hey! What's that? Was I here? No'm, I wasn't here! I was I reckon I was over south of the range, out on the desert. I don't know nothin' about the killin'."

En den de cunjuh man lafft some mo', en 'lowed ter hisse'f dat he wuz gwine ter fix Dan now, sho' 'nuff; he wa'n't gwine ter kill 'im des yet, fer he could do sump'n ter 'im w'at would hu't wusser 'n killin'.

"Thar's never been a Tolliver convicted of killin' nobody, much less hung an' thar ain't goin' to be." "I'm glad you warned me," said Hale still quietly, "though it wasn't necessary. But if he's convicted, he'll hang." The giant's face worked in convulsive helplessness and he turned away. "You hold the cyards now, but my deal is comin'." "All right, Judd you're getting a square one from me."

There's a man dead among thim that wants to be put undherground to-night, for the rist av thim are goin' off in the mornin'; an' accordin' to all I hear, I wouldn't wondher but what I'd be wanted for somethin' else afore mornin'." "Oh, my God!" cried Ethel; "they're going to kill him, then!" "Kill him! Kill who? Sure an' it's not killin' they want me for. It's the other it's marryin'."

'Leave me alone, he said, 'or I'll give you somethin' too. She caught hold of his arm, but Jim, still kneeling on his wife, gave Polly a backhanded blow which sent her staggering back. 'Tike that! Polly ran out of the room, downstairs to the first-floor front, where two men and two women were sitting at tea. 'Oh, come an' stop father! she cried. ''E's killin' mother! 'Why, wot's 'e doin'?

A woman, a neighbour living a mile beyond the schoolhouse, came by. Sairy went over to the little picket fence and the two talked. "How is she?" "She's dead." "Sho! You don't say so! Poor thing, poor thing! I reckon I thought of her mor'n I slept last night. 'N the child?" "Born dead." Sairy struck her tongue against the roof of her mouth. "Sho! War killin' 'em even thar!"

He ain't goin' to let me get hung if he can help it. You see, I'm booked for hangin', sure as fate; he knows it as well as I do, only he's smart enough to want to put it off till I'm so old I won't mind it. So I goes to the pen just to keep from killin' Bob Grand. A year in the cooler makes you see things most sensible-like. I knowed that when I went in.

When he'd struck out alone he went on for a spell, killin' enough game and always hopin' for the sight of the river. Then one day he caught his gun in a willow tree and it went off, sending the charge into his thigh and breaking the bone. He was stunned for a while and then tried to move on, tried to crawl.