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Them strung-out, trained-to-a-hair, high-falutin girls never did fetch me. I like 'em round, and soft, and innocent. What's her name, sonny?" "Sarah." "Sairy! Bud, I don't believe that. Sairy! I never did cotton to Sairy. Yer pullin' my leg, ye young scallywag. The nerve! No ye don't." Jeff had stretched out a long, lean arm, and seized the boy by the shoulder in a grasp which tightened cruelly.

Her mother will bring her through. And there's a great woman." "That's so, that's so!" assented Tom cordially. "A great woman." Sairy nodded, drawing her thread across a bit of beeswax. "For once you are both right. He isn't there now, doctor?" "No. He wasn't there but a week or two." "You don't " "No, Tom. I don't know where he has gone.

For a long time Jim had managed to keep alive his resentful feelings toward his wife, accusing of being the source of all his misfortunes the poor little woman who was loving and longing so sincerely for him. But when illness came he could hold out no longer. "I made up my mind then," said he, "that if ever I got hum agin, I'd go deown on my knees an' ax pardin' o' my Sairy."

She sed the sausingers wur sixpence each, an' twenty-vour slices o' bread an' butter wur a penny each two shillin's. I sed, "Do 'e call that reysonable, young 'ooman? 'cause I bain't a-gwain to pay thirteen shillin's vor't, an' lose me train, an' disappoint Sairy Jane.

Nick obediently gave her his hat, and Eugenia leaned over the stream, her bare arms and vivid face mirrored against the silvery minnows, when a shrill call came from the house. "Nick! Who-a Ni-ck!" "That's Sairy Jane," said Nicholas, reaching for his hat. "Ma wants me." "Who is Sairy Jane?" "Sister." Eugenia handed him his dripping hat, and stood shaking her fingers free from the sparkling drops.

Then a lantern flickered and swung, and Tom knew the man was coming toward the house. He appeared a short, heavy-set man, barefooted, and with a pail of milk in one hand and the lantern in the other. "What's the matter, Sairy?" he demanded. "Who's this?" "Thet's what I wanter know," snapped the woman.

Nearest neighbor nigh on to a mile. Sairy gits to see company only about so often or not so seldom as that, eh?" Scattergood shut his eyes until there appeared at the corners of them a network of little wrinkles. "I'm a-goin' to astonish you, Nahum. This here hain't the first girl that ever come down with the complaint Sairy's got!... They's been sev'ral.

I saw a French lad whip off his coat when a gunner called for a wad, and another, who had been a scavenger, snatch the rammer from Pearce's hands when he staggered with a grape-shot through his chest. Poor Jack Pearce! He did not live to see the work 'Scolding Sairy' was to do that night. I had but dragged him beyond reach of the recoil when he was gone. Then a cry came floating down from aloft.

I know'd Sairy Jane ud be a-waitin', an' as he sed the train were moast ready, I drows down a suverin', an' hed the change, an' as I wur a-gwain out I hollurs out as how I shood remember Swindleum stashun. I heer'd the lot a-larfin, an' hed moast a mind to go in an' twirl me ground ash among um vor thur edification.

"how pretty its eyes were!" and "how kitten-like its ways!" and only checked his whistling once in a while to wonder whether the day would ever really come when "Sairy would feel herself better than him," and to think it also a little hard that old Thomas Macy was "so sot agin' the match" that he would give his daughter no portion but an outfit of clothes and household linen.