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Updated: August 8, 2024

Bardell's back one pair of stairs, on one particular morning in July last, when she was dusting Pickwick's apartment? 'Yes, my Lord and jury, I do, replied Mrs. Cluppins. 'Mr. Pickwick's sitting-room was the first-floor front, I believe? 'Yes, it were, Sir, replied Mrs. Cluppins. 'What were you doing in the back room, ma'am? inquired the little judge. 'My Lord and jury, said Mrs.

Leaning over the banisters, the old woman emptied the contents of her saucepan on the backs of the bailiffs, who had just arrived at the first-floor landing. "Oh, you are caught, I see!" added the portress. "They are soaked through like two sops! He! he! this is capital!" "A thousand million thunders!" cried Malicorne, wet through with Mrs. Pipelet's culinary preparation.

Those were happy hours during which Honore de Balzac withdrew to his first-floor room, seated himself before a little table placed close to the window, and wrote with feverish elation of the heroic acts of the Blues and the Chouans, of Commander Hulot, Marche-a-Terre and the Abbe Gudin, and wove tangled threads of the adventures of Fouche's spy Mlle. de Verneuil, who set forth to save the young stripling and allowed herself to be caught in the divine snare of love.

It numbered 180; but of this number we are at present chiefly interested in only two; and these two, at the moment when this chapter begins which, to be exact, is eight o'clock of the evening of the twenty-fourth day of September in the year above mentioned were busily at work in a first-floor study in the boarding-house of Mrs. Curtis on Elm Street.

And, as has been pointed out already, all the outer first-floor windows, and all those reached from the porch roof, were barred. Frances knew that her father had been seriously troubled to-night by the appearance of the strange and unseen tramp in the yard, and the fact that the arrival of that same individual had not been reported from the men's quarters.

They were seated in chairs side by side, in a corner of the drawing-room from where they could see every-thing in the room and a part of the garden, which they faced, and could hear everything. A window of the first-floor was open above their heads, so that they could hear any noise from there. They could not be surprised from any side, and they held every door in view.

On other days the time immediately after breakfast was full of uncertainty and surmise. Judging from the interchange between the four first-floor bedrooms whose doors were always open during this bustling interval, Miriam, listening apprehensively as she did her share of work on the top floor, gathered that the lack of any planned programme was a standing annoyance to the English girls.

Nothing to see but snow and trees," for the village of Pine Camp was quite surrounded by the forest and all the visitor could see from the windows of her first-floor bedroom were stumps and trees, with deep snow everywhere. There was a glowing wood stove in the room and a big, chintz-covered box beside it, full of "chunks."

The jingle of bells might have warned me; but the horse's hoofs came noiselessly on the half-frozen snow, which lay just deep enough to hide where the pavement ended and the road began; and, moreover, I was listening to the violins behind the first-floor windows of the house opposite. They were playing the "Wiener Blut."

Sometimes, in going or coming from the office, Amedee would go to see his friend Maurice, who had obtained from Madame Roger permission to install himself in the Latin Quarter so as to be near the law school. In a very low-studded first-floor room in the Rue Monsieur-le-Prince, Amedee perceived through a cloud of tobacco-smoke the elegant Maurice in a scarlet jacket lying upon a large divan.

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