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Dey've got de goods on Stace, too. He made a bum job of it." "Why didn't he get out of de country den when he had de chanst, instead of hangin' around here all afternoon?" demanded Jimmie Dale. "He was broke," the Runt answered. "We was gettin' de coin fer him ter fade away wid ter-night, an' " A revolver shot from above cut short his words.

"Mister Wobbles, yer's prettin' on high de airs ter-night," Suky remarked, with an interrogation point in her voice. "Here's ter de health ob Mrs. Wobbles," he answered, lifting the cider to his lips. "I'se no 'jections ter dat. Who is she ter be?" replied Suky, very innocently. "It's not my 'tention ter go furder and far' wuss. Dis am a case wha de presen' company am not 'cepted."

Helena's brown eyes, a little wistfully, a little softly, held upon the Flopper. "Yes?" she said quietly. "Youse had better cut it out ter-night, Helena," the Flopper went on. "Y'oughter know de Doc by dis time de guy dat starts anything wid de Doc gets his dat's all! Remember de night he threw Cleggy down de stairs in de Roost? an' he was only havin' fun!

"What are yer drivin' at?" "Nothin'," answered Stubbins. "Honly it's damned queer. Looks as though ther ship might be unlucky, after all." "Well," agreed Plummer. "Things 'as been a bit funny lately; and then there's what's 'appened ter-night. I shall 'ang on pretty tight ther next time I go aloft." Old Jaskett took his pipe from his mouth, and sighed.

Once he came to a halt, from no uncertainty of locality, but to gaze apprehensively through the blank, white mists over a shuddering shoulder. "I wonder ef thar be any other harnts aloose ter-night, a-boguing through the fog an' the moon," he speculated. Presently he went on again, shaking his head sagely. "I ain't wantin' ter collogue with sech," he averred cautiously.

"Warn't you-uns apologizin' ter me t'other day fur not bein' a nephew 'stiddier a niece? Looked sorter like a nephew ter-night." She shook her head, covered now only with its own charming tresses waving in thick undulations to the coil at the nape of her neck a trifle dishevelled from the rude haste with which the cap had been torn off.

"Hey, there," he said shortly, grabbing a shirt-sleeved individual by the arm. "Where's Charlie?" The fellow looked at him wonderingly. "Charlie? Oh, you mean the 'Kid'? Well, he ain't here ter-night; had a weddin', an' is totin' the bridal couple 'round." Fairbain swore discreetly under his breath, and cast an uncertain glance at the slender figure shrinking beside him.

I declar', ef 't wa'n't fer that fool newspaper a-comin' out ter-night, I'd go home ter-day. Yer a-gwine acrost, hain't yer, Havens?" Havens laughed in response. Samuel glowered at him. "I want home comforts back," he vowed sullenly. "The Beach hain't what it used ter be.

And Rainey, for the first time, began to sense it as something approaching, sinister, almost tangible. "You drop in on the hunters an' have a little game of poker ter-night," said Lund emphatically. "I haven't got much money with me," said Rainey. "Money, hell!" mocked Lund. "They don't play for money. They play for shares in the gold.

An' I druv him out the house. I won't stan' none o' Satan's devices hyar! I tole him he couldn't fetch that fiddle hyar whenst he kems home ter-night, an' I be a-goin' ter make him a sun-bonnet or a nightcap ter wear stiddier his hat that he traded off." She paused. Her husband had risen, the glow of his pipe fading in his unheeding hand, his excited eyes fixed upon her.