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Taking up the jug and the cup Starbuck, approaching his visitor, inquired: "Have a sneeze, Laz?" The young fellow did not look round; he saw neither the jug nor the cup, but he knew what was meant, and with a slight change of countenance as he arose, he replied: "Ain't snoze ter-day." Jasper gave him the cup, raised the jug and said: "Shout when you've got enough."

'I ain't comin' aht with yer ter-day, if thet's wot yer mean, she said. 'I never thought of arskin' yer, Liza after wot you said ter me last night. His voice was a little sad, and she felt so sorry for him. 'But yer did want ter speak ter me, didn't yer, Tom? she said, more gently. 'You've got a day off ter-morrow, ain't yer? 'Bank 'Oliday. Yus! Why?

'Sparks before the eyes. There! I had them only jest ter-day. I was sweepin' out the barn, an' I see 'em hoppin' up an' down in a streak of sunshine that come through a crack. 'Variable appetite. Now, Hitty, don't ye remember? Yesterday I wanted pie awful, an' I ate a whole one; well, this mornin' seems as if I never wanted ter see an apple pie again.

"Hev ennybody been spiteful ter you-uns ter-day?" she asked, in an almost maternal solicitude, and with a flash of partisan anger in her eyes. "Git out'n my road, Eveliny," he said, fretfully, pushing by, and throwing the saddle on the floor. There was no one in the room but the occupant of the rude box on rockers which served as cradle. Absalom had a swift, prescient fear.

Is you gwine ter sleep all de mawnin'? I 's ti'ed er dis yer runnin' 'roun' all night an' den sleepin' all day. You won't git dat tater patch hoed ovuh ter-day 'less'n you git up f'm dere an' git at it." Uncle Wellington rolled over, yawned cavernously, stretched himself, and with a muttered protest got out of bed and put on his clothes.

'Did yer know thet well, you know before ter-day? He blushed as he answered: 'Yus. She spoke very sadly and slowly. 'I thought yer did; yer seemed so cut up like when I used to meet yer. Yer did love me then, Tom, didn't yer? 'I do now, dearie, he answered. 'Ah, it's too lite now, she sighed.

There's always holes, and most generally there's a kid or two asleep somewheres. An' the elevator ain't runnin' ter-day," he gibed cheerfully. "We gotta go ter the top, too!" Mrs.

"'Pears ter me ter be right comical ter hev ter remind ye o' what I promised ter tell ye 'lection day," she said. "Why, 'Dosia," he broke in vehemently, "I hev axed ye twice ter-day, an' I didn't ax ye jes' now 'kase ye hed been hyar so long alone, an' I wanted ter take ye ter yer cousin Anice's ef so be ye wanted ter go." He stopped for a moment.

"Keep an eye on that thar valley man, an' find out all 'bout'n him. Else the killin' 'll be laid ter Con, who never done nuthin' hurtful ter nobody in all his life." "The idee jes' streck me ter-day whenst I viewed him along about that road. Whenst that thar dead man tuk yer han' an' tried ter find a word of speech Why, hullo, Narcissa!" With a short cry she had struggled to her feet.

"Ya'as, Malviny, he was tell er minit ergo, 'n' he stepped out to th' lot," replied the old lady, in tones so like the expression of her face, mildly calm, that it was a pleasure to hear her speak. "Ha" ye got thet baby wi' ye?" "Ya'as, 'm." "I wish ye'd put her on my lap. Gra'mammy 'ain't had 'er none ter-day." "Ya'as, 'm, in er minit.