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But as he still said nothing Lady Tressady began to frown. "That's the way you always get out of my questions," she said fretfully; "it's so provoking of you." "I've recommended you to the professional," he said, patting her hand. "What else could I do?" Her thin cheek flamed. "As if we couldn't be certain, anyway," she cried, "that the Christians don't know anything about it.

Wayth, but, Lord! how fretfully Sir G. Carteret do discourse with Mr. Wayth about his accounts, like a man that understands them not one word. I held my tongue and let him go on like a passionate foole. In the afternoon I paid for the two lighters that carried my goods to Deptford, and they cost me L8.

The southwest angle of the building was exposed fully to the force of the afternoon sun, and the narrow cell was so hot that Beryl opened the door leading into the corridor, in order to create a draught through the opposite window. The tired child was fretfully drowsy, but with the innate perversity of toddling babyhood, resented and resisted every effort to soothe her to sleep.

The meal was almost over, and the servants had withdrawn. "I wish you would talk sense to Graham, Clay," she said, fretfully. "I think he has gone mad." "I don't call it going mad to want to enlist, father." "I do. With your father needing you, and with all the men there are who can go." "I don't understand. If he wants to enter the army, that's up to him, isn't it?" There was a brief silence.

There's a certain smell about the skin of those women, that in the end is sickening beyond words even if you like it at first. 'I know, said Birkin. Then he added, rather fretfully, 'But go to bed, Gerald. God knows what time it is. Gerald looked at his watch, and at length rose off the bed, and went to his room. But he returned in a few minutes, in his shirt.

"Elsa," she said fretfully, "don't be such a goose. I won't have you quarrelling with Béla like this, just before your wedding. Just you kiss him now, and tell him you didn't mean to vex him. We can't have everybody gossiping about this affair! My goodness! As if a csárdás or two mattered." .

"No, it's not in the charade, Monsieur Barbille," said the Man from Outside fretfully. "That is the way I read it, m'sieu'," retorted Jean Jacques, and he made a motion to the fiddler. "The dance! The dance!" he exclaimed. But yet he looked little like a man who wished to dance, save upon a grave. It is a bad thing to call down a crisis in the night-time.

He was annoyed at my going, and questioned me peevishly about the business that occasioned my journey. I parried his curiosity as I best could, but did not succeed in appeasing his ill-humor. Half ashamed of his recent outburst, half-anxious to justify it to himself, he cried fretfully: "Business! Yes, any business is a good enough excuse for leaving me!

There, before the door, had stood the waiting wood-sled! The girl caught through the gathering dusk a gleam of magenta from the corner of the clearing. Two hermit thrushes, distant in the forest, began to send up their poignant antiphonal evening chant. The older professor looked up at the assistant, fumbling fretfully with a pile of papers.

Then, with a shrug, she turned to the advertisements of flats to let in London which she found in various newspapers; and made notes of the addresses of house agents. This occupation she continued until Gaga called almost fretfully from the next room, when she turned off the electric light and joined him. An hour later, while Gaga still lay staring into the darkness, Sally was fast asleep.