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I even recall how that, to preserve the purity of her garments, I bade her don a simple duster; that, to secure her from the trifling companionship of others, I bade her keep her own counsel, and seek you at seasons known but to yourselves." "But ... did Nellie ... understand you?" interrupted Low hastily. "I see you read her simple nature. Understand me? No, not at first!

And old Stapleton walked down stairs, and went back to the inn, saying, as he went out, that he should be back to his dinner. Mary continued her employment of wiping the furniture of the room with a duster for some minutes, during which I did not speak, but watched the floating ice on the river. "Well," said Mary, "do you always talk as you do now? if so, you'll be a very nice companion.

"Here, you Bridget, or Nancy, or whatever your name is," he roared, "there's a lunatic upstairs, making a tremendous row in the room over mine. If you don't stop him I'll leave the hotel. Hear him now!" Bridget let fall her duster in fright. "Is it a crazy man?" she asked. "Of course he must be. I want you to go up and stop him."

His requisites consisted of an oil-can, a feather duster, a watchman's rattle, and wax enough to have made features for the whole Comedie Francaise, and paint and powder for us all. He would not tell us what he had procured for his own costume, as he said he wanted to surprise us, adding, what he could not buy he had borrowed. Count Voguee gave me his arm for dinner.

From this place of retirement it emerged when any of the family honored her with their company, especially when attended by visitors; and after their departure, traces of their feet were carefully sought with keen and anxious eyes, and quickly obliterated with broom and duster. This, her sanctum sanctorum, was a roomy apartment with three windows, each shaded by white cotton curtains.

And a page ran eagerly in, to whom, in the difficult corners of upholstery and of sculptured wood, she pointed out his sins of omission, lashing him with a restrained voice that Edwin could scarcely hear. Passing her hand carelessly along the beading of a door panel and then examining her fingers, she departed. The page fetched a duster.

Balthazar's fantastic garments had given way to a plain sack suit and motor duster, but the profit of his employment by Raymond Owen was worth the discomfort of becoming "civilized." The muttering of a distant motor made him fall to his knees and, wrench in hand, wiggle hastily under the machine.

"It seems so funny in class without either you or Miss Rowe. Have you seen Miss Rowe? Are her hands very bad?" "They're both bandaged up," replied Enid. "She won't be able to use them for some time. Wasn't it brave of her to rush at me with the duster? Do you know, she's been so nice. We had a long talk last night, and she told me ever so many things.

At this the green car wheeled abruptly round a corner below Thirty-fourth Street, slid half a block or more east, and came to a palpitating halt. Maitland, looking up, recognized the entrance to his apartments, and sighed with relief for the brief respite from boredom that was to be his. He rose, negligently shaking off his duster, and stepped down to the sidewalk.

"Never you mind, Duster," muttered the scout. "Did you ever see a skunk-trap? Oughts is for mush-rats, and number ones is mostly used for 'coons and 'possums, and I guess they'd do for a skunk. But you and we'll call this here trap a number two, Duster, for the skunk I'm after is a big one. All you've to do is to act natural."