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To make matters worse, the day ended with a thunderstorm, and the evening had to be spent indoors. Raymond was in a sulk, and refused to join in any of the parlour games which were usually resorted to in wet weather. "Aunt Mab, I wish you'd show us some of your treasures," said Barbara.

We have the scenery, the children have nearly learned their parts, but we have no place to give the show." "Well, I've come to tell you where you can find a place," said the hardware man, and Bunny and Sue clapped their hands in delight. "This is very kind of you, I'm sure, Mr. Raymond," said Mr. Brown. "I didn't know there was any place in town I hadn't thought of.

I expect it's someone sent from Tresedder farm; and if so, he'll want to see your father alone." Mr. Raymond frowned. "No," he said; "the time is past for that." A fist hammered on the door. Mr. Raymond threw it open. "Brigantine on the sands! Half a mile this side of the light-house!" Taffy saw across his father's shoulder a gleam of yellow oilskins and a flapping sou'-wester hat.

Before us lay a plain perfectly flat, spreading on the right and left, without apparent limit, and bounded in front by a long broken line of hills, ten or twelve miles distant. All was open and exposed to view, yet not a buffalo nor an Indian was visible. "Do you see that?" said Raymond; "Now we had better turn round."

I cannot help thinking that Raymond Latour did something for us, some great thing of which we have no idea, which we shall never know here." "He helped to give you to me, Jeanne. I know that, and in my heart thank him every day of my life. Listen! Wheels! That must be Seth back from Richmond. He may have news." Hand in hand they went toward the house, and there Seth met them.

In other details, however, Miss Lily Bell was of an engaging sweetness and of a yielding disposition of the utmost correctness. Again and again Raymond Mortimer succeeded in convincing her, by the force and eloquence of his arguments, of the superiority of his ideas on fort building, fishing, and other occupations which filled the day.

Later, little by little, came Heurtaux, de la Tour, Dorme, Auger, Raymond, etc., all the famous valiant knights of the escadrille, like the peers of France who followed Roland over the Spanish roads.

When he had gone, Jenny turned to Sabina, who had spoken no word during this scene. "Much may come of this," she said. "God works in mysterious ways. I have no fear that Raymond will fail in his duty to dear Daniel at such a time. Come back early to-morrow, Sabina. I shall get a telegram, as soon as Raymond can despatch it, and shall hold myself in readiness to go at once and stop with Daniel.

"Your lover, Raymond de Brocas," answered Sanghurst, rising to his feet and confronting Joan with a gaze of would-be sympathy, though his eyes were steely bright and full of secret malice "your lover, who died in my arms after the skirmish of which you may have heard, when the English army routed the besieging force around St.

That Wilkin Flammock of the Green can strike like the hammers of his own fulling-mill." "He will fight, I believe, when he cannot help it," said Raymond; "but he has no stomach for such exercise, and is as slow and as stubborn as a mule."