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"Lucilla," he cried, disengaging her arms from round his neck. "Oh, Lucilla! what an evening this has been! I always judged Sabina differently from you, and have felt with gratitude that she really cared for me. Now all is clear between her and me! She called me her son. I called her mother. I owe it to her, and the purple the purple is ours!

"He always acts according to his own judgment, and for the present I am in office," answered Titianus haughtily. "And may the God of the Jews long preserve you in it!" retorted Sabina scornfully.

Sabina withdrew the hand he had taken, saying: "But you must not leave me. I want you. I cannot exist without your presence." "Till to-morrow always forever I will stay with you whenever you need me." The Empress gave him her hand again, and sighed softly as he again bowed over it, and pressed it long to his lips.

A lovely garden adjoined the Caesareum, the palace in which Sabina was residing.

"My dear Miss Lavington, as I have never been able to settle my own love affairs satisfactorily to myself, I do not feel at all competent to settle other people's. Good-bye! I shall be late for the steamer." And, bowing to Stangrave and Marie, he turned to go. "Sabina! Stop him!" cried she; "he is going, without even a kind word!"

"There's the man Westwood in the square and his daughter's just gone up to Mr. Lepel. I know him by sight perfectly. If you want him to be arrested, ma'am, you could get it done now easily." "What's that?" said old Miss Vane, stepping back with her hand to her ear. "Why are you looking so pale, Flossy? What's all this about?" Flossy looked at her husband and then looked at Sabina.

"Leave the next thing to me." "She's given notice at the works. He told her to." "Of course quite properly. Now calm down and fetch me my walking boots." In half an hour Ernest was on his way to Bridport. As Sabina, before him, his instinct led to Miss Ironsyde and he felt that the facts might best be imparted to her. If anybody had influence with Raymond, it was she.

Sabina terrified, vehemently desired the old woman to release her from their persecution, while the chamberlain who had come with her and on whom she was leaning kicked out at the irrepressible little wretches and so increased their spite. At last the Graces withdrew into the house. Dame Doris drew a deep breath and turned to the Empress.

The law doesn't set a bit more value on a judge's life than on any one else's, and Sir Gilbert Hawkesby would be the first man to tell you that. You can ask him if you like. But the point isn't really of any importance, because, as I said before, Sabina has neither poisoned nor tried to poison anybody. She has simply done her duty."

It occurred to him that it would simplify matters if he and Malipieri and the detective were left alone together, and he said so, urging that as there was unexpectedly a lady in the case, the presence of so many witnesses should be avoided. Even now he never thought of the possibility that the lady in question might be Sabina.